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Thuesday, 30th September, 1875. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 a.m. Peesent : Mr. Bryce, Mr. Eolleston, Sir G. Grey, Mr. Sheehan. Hon. Sir D. McLean, Orders of reference read. Resolved, on motion of the Hon. Sir D. McLean, That Mr. Bryce be appointed Chairman of this Committee. Resolved, on motion of the Hon. Sir D. McLean, That the Hon. Dr. Pollen and Major Heaphy be summoned to attend to give evidence before this Committee. Resolved, on motion of Sir G-. Grey, That Edward O'Meara bo summoned to give evidence before this Committee. The Committee then adjourned sine die.

Tuesday, sth Octobee, 1875. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 a.m. Peesent : Mr. Bryce in the Chair. Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. Eolleston, Captain Kenny, Mr. Sheehan. Hon. Sir D. McLean, Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Hon. Dr. Pollen attended and gave evidence. Resolved, on motion of Hon. Sir D. McLean, That Major Heaphy be summoned to attend at next meeting of this Committee. The Committee then adjourned.

"Wednesday, 6th Octobee, 1875. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 a.m. Peesent : Mr. Bryce in the Chair. Major Jackson, Mr. Ormond, Captain Kenny, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Sheehan. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Mr. Murray attended and gave evidence. Major Heaphy attended and gave evidence. Resolved, on motion of Mr. Macandrew, That memoranda by Major Heaphy and Lieutenant "Walker (dated 1866) be laid before the Committee.* Resolved, That Major Heaphy be requested to show on plan of swamp that portion with which he is more particularly acquainted, in order that the Committee may thoroughly understand his evidence. The Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 12th October, 1875. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 a.m. Peesent : Mr. Bryce in the Chair. Sir G. Grey, Mr. Macandrew, Major Jackson, Mr. Orinond, Captain Kenny, Mr. Eolleston, Hon. Sir D. McLean, Mr. Sheehan. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Resolved, That Mr. O'Meara be now summoned to attend and give evidence. Mr. O'Meara attended and gave evidence. Resolved, That Mr. Sheehan give evidence. Mr. Sheehan gave evidence. * These papers were not available.