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The Hon. E. Eichaedson to the Hon. G-. M. O'Bobke. Government Buildings, 6th January, 1873. Estimated cost of Mangere Bridge and approaches about twelve thousand five hundred pounds. Jarrah timber selected for piles as bridge is important permanent colonial work, and totara piles are not considered nearly so durable where continually exposed to action of sea water. The Hon. G. M. O'Eorke, Auckland. Edwaed Eichaedson. Mr. Lusk to the Hon. G. M. O'Eoeee. Sib, — Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 7th January, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this date, submitting plans and specifications (returned herewith) of the proposed Mangere Bridge. The Provincial Government are of opinion that, under the circumstances, tenders for this work ehould be called for without delay. I have, &c, The Hon. G. M. O'Eorke, Hugh H. Lusk, Minister of Lands, Auckland. (for the Superintendent.) The Hon. E. Eichabdson to His Honor the Supebintendent, Auckland. (No. 358.) Government Buildings, 25th February, 1875. Substantial tender from Danaher and Lanigan for fourteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven pounds, being about one thousand five hundred above Engineer's detail estimate. Before accepting should like to have your opinion. Please reply early. Edwaed Eiciiaedson, His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. (for Colonial Secretary.) His Honor the Supebintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. (Telegram.) Auckland, 25th February, 1873. lam no judge of the cost of such works. Cannot therefore form an opinion. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Thomas B. Gillies, (for Minister for Public "Works, "Wellington.) Superintendent. The Hon. E. Eichaedson to His Honor the Supebintendent, Auckland. Wellington, 26th February, 1873. Although tender for Mangere Bridge is fifteen hundred pounds in excess of Engineer's estimate, the Government are willing to accept if you and your Executive approve of the expenditure. His Honor T. B. Gillies, Auckland. Edwaed Eichabdson. His Honor the Supeeintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. E. Eichaedson. (Telegram.) Auckland, 27th February, 1873. Mangebe Beidge.—All my Executive absent. I cannot take the responsibility of approval or disapproval. I will give every information and assistance to enable you to form- a correct judgment, but cannot accept responsibility of performance or stoppage of work. The Hon. Edward Eichardson, Thomas B. Gillies, Minister for Public "Works, "Wellington. Superintendent. The Hon. E. Eichaedson to His Honor the Supeeintendent, Auckland. Government Buildings, 28th February, 1873. The General Government have called for tenders for this bridge on the expressed wish of the provin cial authorities. The lowest tender is about fifteen thousand pounds. Do you and your Executive approve of this tender being accepted ? Please reply early, to enable us to inform tenderers. His Honor T. B. Gillies, Auckland. Edwaed Eichaedson. His Honor the Supeeintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. E. Eichaedson. (Telegram.) Auckland, Ist March, 1873. So soon as I can get a meeting of my Executive will reply. Probably within a week or ten days. Thomas B. Gillies, The Hon. E. Eichardson, Wellington. Superintendent. His Honor the Supeeintendent, Auckland, to the Hon. E. Eichaedson. (Telegram.) Auckland, 3rd March, 1873. Mangeee Bbidge.—What difference in cost by substituting totara for jarrah? Am satisfied best qualities of one equal to best qualities of other, and inferior qualities of jarrah far inferior to totara. Thomas B. Gillies, The Hon. E. Eichardson, Wellington. Superintendent.