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Tuesday, 7th September, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, Hon. W. Fitzherbert, Hon. E. W. Stafford. Mr. W. W. Johnston, Mr. Josh. Palmer, Chief Officer of the Union Bank of Australia, attended, and was examined. Ordered, That Mr. E. W. Morrah, Inspector of the Bank of Australasia, be requested to attend the next meeting. The Committee adjourned until to-morrow, at 12 noon.

Banking arrangements of the Government.

Wednesday, Bth September, 1875. Members Present: Mr. J. Shephard in the Chair. Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. T. Kellv, Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Hon. E. W. Stafford. Mr. W. W. Johnston, A letter from Mr. J. Palmer, dated from the Union Bank of Australia on the 7th September, 1875, was read, and ordered to bo placed on the Appendix to evidence, Banking Arrangements. (See No. 6.) Mr. E. W. Morrah, Inspector of the Bank of Australasia, attended, and was examined. Ordered, That Mr. Palmer, Chief Officer, Union Bank of Australia, Mr. E. W. Morrah, Inspector, Bank of Australasia, and Mr. Bridges, Director and Acting General Manager of the National Bank of New Zealand, be summoned to attend the next meeting. The Committee adjourned until Friday next, at 12 noon.

Banking arrangements of the Government.

Friday, 10th September, 1875. The Committee did not sit, in accordance with Standing Order 196, the House sitting at the time appointed for the meeting.

Thursday, 16th September, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Sir F. D.' Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard. Mr. E. W. Morrah and Mr. Bridges in attendance. A letter dated Bth September, received from Mr. E. W. Morrah, was read. (See Appendix to evidence, Banking Arrangements, No. 7.) The Committee deliberated. Mr. Morrah was called in, and informed that his re-examination would be deferred for a time. Mr. Bridges called in and examined. The Committee adjourned until Monday next, at 12 noon.

n Banking arrangements of the Government.

Monday, 20tii September, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Sir F. D.' Bell, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, Hon. W. Pitzherbert, Hon. E. W. Stafford. The Committee deliberated in respect to the Bill indemnifying the Colonial Treasurer and others for the over-expenditure of the Immigration Vote. The Committee adjourned until Wednesday, the 22nd inst., at 12 noon.

Indemnity Bill.

Wednesday, 22nd September, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Sir F. D.' Bell, Mr. .Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, Hon. W. Fitzherbert, Hon. E. W. Stafford. 2—l. 2.