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Colonel Eeader's assertion that I expect perfection in drill from Volunteers is considerably beyond the region of fact. 1 only look for that amount of knowledge which the Government exacts before it will sanction the issue of capitation —the amount which is very simply and very concisely defined in the efficiency certificate, but which, however, is of a more advanced description than that which is attributed to the Volunteer companies of Wellington by their own commanding officer. In consequence of Colonel Eeader's high position in the Volunteer Force of the colony, I must assure you that the writing of this letter causes me no inconsiderable sorrow ; and I equally regret that his letter of 24th December was not referred to me in some shape or other until after it had gone forth to the Volunteer community replete with fallacious notions of drill, and arguments which must prove most injurious to himself, to the force under his command, and to the force generally. As it was withheld, however, from me, and probably from sound reason, of which I would be glad even now to be informed, I must ask, as an act of justice, that it be either withdrawn and cancelled, or that this counter-statement be placed on record in juxtaposition with it. I have, Ac, Wm. Goedon, Major, The Under Secretary for Defence, Inspector of Volunteers. (Militia and Volunteer Branch,) Wellington.

No. 9. Lieut.-Celonel Mottle to Major Goraiox. (Xo. 459.) Native and Defence Office (Militia and Volunteer Branch), Sic,— Wellington, 24th October, 1875. I am instructed by the Hon. the Native Minister to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 439, of the 12th instant, relative to your printed report. I have, &c, ~W. Mottle, Lieut.-Colonel, Major Gordon, Acting Under Secretary Defenca. Commanding Militia District, Auckland. By Authority: Qeoege Didseuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB76. Price 3d.