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Eemaeks. Two drays, two ambulance wagons, and nine draught horses, in charge of members of the force, are kept constantly travelling between head-quarters and Napier, a distance of eighty-four miles, carting Government scores, ammunition, clothing, nails, medicine, saddlers' materials for the repair of saddlery and harness, horse shoes and nails, camp equipments, stationery &c One man of the force is employed as farrier, and another as saddler These mn do all the work of their trades required throughout the district-vi_, keeping draught, troop, and pack.horses Tod carts drays, and all ironwork in repair, and mending and rendering efficient all saddle and harness gear on _ssue and in use for Government service-and they are, especially the farrier, most USefAn^__r man, a mason, has been kept constantly employed at his trade in erecting and keeping in TeV%:l^:tr^Tl^t^ at each post, and, where the requirements of the public service will allow, a man is detailed as gardener. The garden at Tarawera has been fenced with fallen timber lo""-ed and the one at Tapuaeharuru considerably enlarged and improved. 8 The two Government whale-boats, manned by members of the Porce, are despatched on various duties across the Lake whenever occasion requires. . a ______ OrdeTes, horses, guides, &c, are furnished to all officers of the Government visiting the district, and to tourists of distinction upon instructions from the Commissioner or heads of departments. Two mounted orderlies and three troop horses have been detailed to Napier for the past six weeks, in attendance upon the Hon. Sir Donald McLean. _«__«_, Captain Humfries, of the Inspector of Stores' Office, inspected all the public works and defence tools and stores in the district during the month of March last. - , In conclusion, I cannot but point out the exemplary conduct that has characterized the men ot the Porce in this district during the past twelve months. . . Crimes and misdemeanours have been exceedingly rare, and the men and _ non-commissioned officers have ever exhibited an amount of zeal and energy in the execution of their public functions that justly entitles them to be classed as highly efficient and trustworthy servants of the Government and I sincerely trust that their good qualities are as much appreciated by the heads oi the Ministry as they are by the men's own immediate officers. I have, &c, P. J. W. Gascoigne, Sub-Inspector A.L.. Commanding Taupo District. The Commissioner, Armed Constabulary Force, Wellington.

Enclosure 6 in No. 1. Inspector Eichabdson, Wairoa District, to the Commissionee, Armed Constabulary Force. q_ __ Armed Constabulary, Wairoa District, Te Kapu, 3rd June, 1875. In accordance with instructions contained in Circular Memorandum No. 161, from your office bearing date 23rd March last, I have the honor to forward for your information the following report of duties, &c„ performed by the Armed Constabulary Porce, Wairoa District, from Ist June, 1874, to 31st May, 1875. Military Duties. 1 Average Strength of Officers and Men.-The average strength of the force in this district for the past twelve months was-1 i-pector, 3 sub-inspectors, 1 surgeon (M.litia attached), 1 sergeant-major, 7 sergeants, and 52 constables. , , . . , 2 Nature of Parades and _>»77.—Inspection parades, drill and heavy marching order parades, once a week. Divine service parades on Sunday. Weekly inspection of horses and mounted men s appoint ments by officers in charge of posts. Monthly inspection and drill at out-stations by officer commanding dlStrThe annual course of musketry, under Sub-Inspector Bennett, was commenced on the 3rd November, and concluded on 31st December, 1874, every man in the district being put through. 3 Patrolling and Scouting.-At Onepoto Station, the Government boat proceeds across Lake Waikaremoana in the direction of Tikitiki and Hereheretaunga, for tho purpose of patrolling. Officers and non-commissioned officers in charge of posts have also instructions to make themselves thoroughly conversant with the country in the vicinity of their stations, in order to act as guides when required 4 Conveying Mails and Bespatches.-Yrom Onepoto and Ohuka to head-quarters, weekly mail. From Marumaru, twice a week. Ween Clyde and Te Kapu, twice a week. Mounted orderlies to Clyde with and for telegrams, whenever required. Mails arriving by steamer from Napier are also convened to Te Kapu by the constable stationed at Clyde. From Te Kapu to Mahia an orderly every alternating with the contract mail. Special orderlies, with despatches telegrams &c forwaid J, Onepoto' when required ; also to Poverty Bay during sitting of _ative Land Court, and the Hon. the Native Minister's visit. _ •_*•_—_ -__. +v_ 5 Escorts Guards, cfc.—Aii escort of one mounted man was sent to Mohaka and Mahia with the packhorses when the ammunition, &c, lately on issue to the Militia was brought in. A guard is mounted nightly at Onepoto, as well as at the other stations in the district. 6 Makinglnd Improving Target Ranges.-At Te Kapu, Ohuka, Marumaru, and Onepoto stations the ranges have been repaired, kept in good order, platforms and butts re-erected. At Onepoto a new ran-e up to GOO yards has been constructed. This is, however, only available during the summer months, being under water during winter, a circumstance which, owing to the nature ot the country, cannot be avoided.