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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Extract from the Journals of the Souse of Representatives. Wednesday, the Ist day or October, 1873. 'Resolved, That in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that effect be given to the Report of the Public Petitions Committee in the case of Eliza Meurant. (Mr. Swanson.) < No. 1. Eeport of the Public Petitions Committee on Petition op Eliza Meurant. The petitioner is an aboriginal native, and states that in 1844 her tribal relatives gave her a block of land at the junction of the Epsom and Tamaki Eoads, near Auckland; that a Crown grant for a portion of the land has been issued to petitioner's husband in the year 1848, but that no Crown grant haa been issued to petitioner for the remaining portion of the land. The petitioner prays that the matter be inquired into and relief afforded to her. I am directed to report that the petitioner appears to have an equitable claim for compensation against the Government in respect of land of which she has been wrongfully deprived, but the Committee, from want of time and evidence, are not able to ascertain with certainty the quantity of land of which the petitioner has been deprived, or the amount of compensation to which she is entitled. They recommend that the matter be inquired into and considered by the G-overnment, with a view to its adjustment, without unnecessary delay. Thomas Kelly, 29th September, 1873. Chairman, Public Petitions Committee.

No. 2. Judge Fenton to the Land Claims Commissioner. Sir, — Native Land Court Office, Auckland, 3rd November, 1874. I have the honor to state that, in pursuance of Mr. O'Eorke's notice, an application has been made on behalf of the representatives of Mrs. Meurant to have her claim heard, and beg to request that you will be good enough to cause the papers in your office in connection with this caso to be forwarded to me. I have, &c, F. D. Fenton, The Land Claims Commissioner, Wellington. Chief Judge.

No. 3. The Land Claims Commissioner to Mr. O'Eorke, M.H.E. (Telegram.) Wellington, 25th November, 1874. Be Meuraut papers. Will you please have these papers handed over to Judge Fenton, who is about to investigate the case ? H. A. Atkinson.

No. 4. Mr. O'Eokke to the Secretary of Crown Lands. (Telegram.) ■ Auckland, 26th November, 1874. Meurant papers forwarded to Judge Feuton to-day aa you desired. OK Maurice O'Eorke. I—G. 8.