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restrictions, as fitting, upon alienability. The trustees (two absentees excepted) consented, in the presence of the tribe, to surrender their trusts, and signed a memorial (in Maori and English) asking for the plan of allocation to be carried out, and for legislative action to relieve them of their responsibility. The work of dividing the estates into such minor holdings has been carried out by survey, under my own immediate superintendence; the Natives appear to be satisfied with the localities awarded to them, and have assisted in carrying out the scheme. An Act will be necessary to give effect to the arrangement, and legalise the surrender of the trusts and the issue of new grants. Tauranga. Lots 3 and 4, section 2, of the Town of Tauranga, have been let on lease to Mr. Thomas Corbett for a term of 21 years, at the following rental, viz.:—£s per annum for first seven years ; £10 per annum for second seven years ; and £15 per annum for remainder of the term. They contain about 1 rood each. The lots Nos. 45 and 163, section No. 1, in the Town of Tauranga, have been set apart as reserves for general Native purposes. Onehunga. A lease for a term of 21 years has been executed to Mr. J. Roe for subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 6, of lot 12, section 20, Town of Onehunga, at a rental of £14 a year. These lots had been previously in the occupation, with promise of a lease to his father, Mr. M. Roe, who desired the transfer. Remuera. The lots Nos. 75 and 98 of section 16, Remuera, have been conveyed to the heirs of Ihaka Takaanini. They were purchased with funds, the property of that chief, previous to his decease. The sum of £4 16s. 5d., paid in 1871-2, for rates on this land, has been recovered from the trustees of the estate. The northern portion of lot 53 of section 16, at Remuera, containing 5 acres, was purchased in 1857 by the Government for the late chief Patene Puhata, of Waiheke; the sum of £90 being advanced for the purpose. This money has not been repaid. The land being unproductive and chargeable with assessment rates, it has been considered proper to sell it and close the account. The property has, accordingly, been sold to Mr. T. Morrin for the sum of £135, less agent's commission of £3 7s. (id. The sum of £90, with £1 135., paid for rates, is thus recovered, and the balance, amounting to £39 19s. 6d., will be payable to Patene's heirs. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. In conformity with an old existing promise, the Native reserve IV., on east side of Porirua Harbour, comprising 382 acres, has been conveyed to Hon. Wi Parata and Ngahuka Tungia. This land, originally belonging to those chiefs, was brought in 1866 under the provisions of " The Native Reserves Act, 1856," and has been ever since managed by the Commissioner of Native Reserves. About four years since it was shown that the Natives, in handing this land over, did not understand the effect of their act; it was therefore determined to return the land to the original owners, which has thus been done. Komangataivhiri, Porirua. A long outstanding dispute about this reserve at Porirua has been decided in the following manner, viz.:— That of the annual rental of £50, Wi Katene, of Nelson, should receive the current instalment of £25, no deduction being made for survey expenses, but that from all future half-year instalments £10 should be kept back by the Commissioner of Native Reserves, and placed to a "separate survey account," until the cost —about £120 —for survey is covered. Also that the Ngatitoa tribe shall always receive the January net instalment, and the Ngatitama tribe the July net instalment. £25 was paid to Wi Katene, with the approval of all interested. Omar or o. No. 16, Town Belt, Wellington. Mr. J. F. E. Wright, the tenant, had, in virtue of a purchasing clause in his lease, deposited (in bank) the sum of £700 for the freehold of his farm, containing 146| acres, as above. The question of actual ownership was referred by the Commissioner of Native Reserves to the Native Land Court; and upon the decision of that Court in favour of Hemi Parai and the Hon. Wi Tako being given, the money was handed to those chiefs, who conveyed the land to Mr. Wright. This was a " McCleverty " reserve, a class which the Natives have uncontrolled power over. Hutt Valley. Part of Subdivision No. 8 of section 20, Te Momi, was purchased by me 29th January, 1875, for the Crown, for purposes connected with the Wellington and Masterton Railroad, from Komene Paipa and Patara Rangiatea. It contained la. 3r. Bp.; price, £63 ss. lOd. This was also a " McCleverty " reserve.