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4. I trust that the consideration of the special advantages which will accrue to the British community from the establishment, at great cost to the colonies of New South Wales and New Zealand, of the mail service in question, will induce the Imperial G-overnment to grant the special aid herein sought to be obtained. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Secretary of State for Saul Samufl, the Colonies, London. Postmaster-General of New South "Wales. Sub-Enclosure 2 to Enclosure in No. 29. Sir H. T. Holland to Mr. Sahttel. Sib, — Downing Street, 11th December, 1873. With reference to your letters of the 22nd of October and 25th of November, I am directed by the Earl of Kimberley to transmit to you a copy of a letter from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, expressing their inability to accede to your request for special aid towards the mail service established by New South Wales and New Zealand, via San Francisco, beyond that which has been already granted. I have, &c. 5. Samuel, Esq. H. T. Holland. Sub-Enclosure 3 to Enclosure in No. 29. Mr. Law to Mr. Hebbert. Sic, — Treasury Chambers, 9th December, 1873. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury have had before them j^our letter of the 2nd instant, transmitting copy of a letter from the Postmaster-General of New South Wales, urging the grant of a subsidy from the Imperial Government towards the maintenance of the mail service established by the Governments of the Colonies of New South Wales and New Zealand between San Francisco and those colonies, by way of Honolulu and Kandavau (Fiji)- lam directed by their Lordships to request that you will state to the Earl of Kimberley that my Lords must confine themselves to the offer contained in the letter of this Board of the 16th of May last, the purport of which was forwarded by him, at their request, by telegram to the Governments of the various colonies concerned, and that you will move his Lordship to cause Mr. Samuel to be informed that my Lords cannot accede to his request for special aid towards the service in question, beyond that which has been already granted. I have, &c., E. G. W. Herbert, Esq., Colonial Office. William Law. Sub-Enclosure 4 to Enclosure in No. 29. The Hon. Satjl Samuel to Sir H. T. Holland. Sic,— London, 20th December, 1873. I do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 11th instant, transmitting, by direction of the Earl of Kimberley, a copy of a letter from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, expressing their inability to accede to my request for special aid towards the mail service established by New South Wales and New Zealand via San Francisco, beyond that which has been already granted. 2. I beg respectfully to point out that the letter of 16th May, 1873, referred to by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, the substance of which letter is, I presume, contained in the telegram of the Eight Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor of New South Wales, dated 16th May last, only makes provision in regard to correspondence from the United Kingdom addressed to the Australasian Colonies. It would appear that their Lordships have overlooked the fact that it is requisite that some arrangement should be made by the Imperial Government for the conveyance of correspondence of the United Kingdom addressed to Fiji and other islands in the Pacific Ocean. I should feel obliged if you will again call the Earl of Kimberley's attention to this matter, with a view to its receiving further consideration. I have, &c, Saul Samuel. Sir H. T. Holland. Postmaster-General of New South Wales. Sub-Enclosure 5 to Enclosure in No. 29. The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimbeeley. to Governor Sir Heecules Bobinson, K.C.M.G. Sic, — Downing Street, 6th February, 1874. With reference to previous correspondence relating to the Australian Mail Service, I transmit to you, for the consideration of your Government, a copy of a letter from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, enclosing one from the General Post Office respecting the conveyance, by the mail service via San Francisco, of the correspondence between this country and Fiji. I request that after communicating with the Government of New Zealand you will furnish me with the information desired as to the sea rates which should be accounted for for the conveyance of correspondence from San Francisco to Kandavau. I have, &c, Governor Sir Hercules Eobinson, K.C.M.G. Kimbeelet.

E.—6,1873, No. 6.

E.—6,1873, No. 6.