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DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1872-73, DETAIL —C< miinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 575 15 5 125,112 0 2 3,366 14 11 Brought forward SUPPLEMENTARY— continued. Vote No. 43,— Telegraph Department,— Expenditure ... ... ... ... £37,297 19 5 Amount of Vote ... £36,717 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 90 6 10 — 36,807 6 10 490 12 7 Total Financial Yeab 1872-73 ... 1,066 8 0 126,If8 8 2 Total Class IV. £129,545 3 1 CLASS V.-CUSTOMS. LIABILITIES OP 1871-72. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 40, — Inspector's Department,— Salaries at Chatham Islands ... ... £75 4 0 Passages and Contingencies ... ... 20 10 6 Vote No. 41—Auckland „ 42—Taranaki „ 43 —Wellington ... „ 44 —Hawke's Bat ... „ 45—Nelson „ 46 —Marlbohough ... „ 47 —Canterbury ... „ 48 —Westland „ 49— Otaqo 95 14 6 75 0 0 5 0 0 13 18 6 12 7 6 8 14 0 10 0 17 14 9 25 0 0 27 0 0 Vote No. 50, — Special Services, — Legal and Travelling Expenses 100 0 0 Votb No. 53, — Marine, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £58 15 2 Repairs, Dog Island Light ... ... 289 1 0 Beacon, Flat Rock ... ... .. 400 0 0 Oil and Stores, &c. ... ... ... 553 10 0 1,301 6 2 VOTE No. 1 op 1872-73 :— Item 23—Customs, —■ Chatham Islands, &c. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Canterbury Westland Otaoo Special Services 35 11 2 138 4 5 1 11 0 8 10 0 140 0 0 0 5 0 37 4 8 5 11 8 1,682 15 5 Total Liabilities op 1871-72 3G6 17 11 2,0i9 13 4 FINANCIAL YEAR 1872-73. VOTE No. 44:— Inspector's Department,— Salaries, 1 July, 1872, to 30 June, 1873 £1,410 13 1 Travelling Allowances and Expenses... ... 166 3 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 250 15 10 Chatham Islands, — Salaries, ... ... 1 July, 1872, to 21 April, 1873 1,827 11 11 208 15 0 Carried forward 2,036 6 11 2,049 13 4