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DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1872-73, DETAIL CO, ntinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPROPRIATIONS. CLASS Ill.-LAW AND JUSTICE. LIABILITIES OF 1S71-72. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 19,— Maori Convicts, — Paj' of Wardens, io. • Vote No 20, — Supreme Court, — Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... £369 13 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 47 4 1 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 568 318 4 4 •122 3 9 VOTE No. 1 or 1872-73 :— Item 11—Maoei Convicts,— Pay of Wardens, &c. ... 740 8 1 710 3 8 Item 12 —Supreme Court, — Circuit and Court of Appeal, Travelling Allowances and Expenses of Judges, &c. ... £59 11 3 Auckland ... ... ... ... 8 17 6 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 10 0 Marlbobough ... ... ... ... 5 4 0 » 75 2 9 Item 13—District Couets, — Auckland '... ... ... ... £29 19 0 Hawke's Bat ... ... ... ... 15 18 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 450 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 8 8 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 37 1 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 62 9 3 Item 14 —Resident Magistrates' Courts, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £79 10 1 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 35 12 6 Wellington ... ... ... ... 146 8 10 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 15 5 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 138 11 6 Mahlborough ... ... ... ... 40 4 9 Cantebbuey ... ... ... ... 29 19 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 22 19 6 Otago ... ... ... V... 107 2 7 158 0 3 Item 15 —Pettt Sessions' Courts, — .W-cki.and ... ... ... ... £8 14 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 10 7 0 Canterbury ... ... .., ... 3170 Otago ... ... ... ... '534 615 13 9 28 1 4 Item 16 —Coroners Act, —■ Chatham Islands .., ... ... £G 9 0 Auckland ... ... ... ... 25 15 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 17 0 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 5 10 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 18 8 6 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 5f> 4 (! Wbstlahd ... ... ... ... 27 9 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 119 16 0 Item 17 —Lunatics Act, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £7 7 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 2 2 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 3 3 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 6 <; 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 55 13 0 277 1 6 Item 18—Justices of the Peace Act, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £40 2 6 Wellington ... ... ... .... 9 0 0 Maklbohough ... ... ... ... 0 16 0 Canterbuey ... ... ... ... 26 11 0 Otaqo ... ... ... ... 145 (i 9 74 11 0 222 2 3 Carried forward 710 8 1 . 2, 160 16 6 *5—B. 1.