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DISBTTESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1872-73, DETAIL — CO', tinned. APPROPRIATIONS. £ ». d. £ s. d. a 8. d. PuWic Departments— continued. 484 19 1 Brought forward VOTE No. 1 of 1872-73 :— Item 3,— Governor's Establishment, — Contingencies ... 47 12 3 Item 4, — Legislative Departments,— Expenses of Members ... ... ... £77 1 8 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 235 19 3 313 0 11 Item 5, — Executive Depaetments,— Treasury—Clerical Assistance and Contingencies ... ... ... ... £175 2 1 District Registrars of Births, &c, —■ Chatham Islands ... £8 5 0 Auckland ... ... 131 8 10 Taeanaki ... ... 2 16 Wellington ... • 25 0 0 Hawke's Bat ... 20 15 10 Nelson ... ... 50 17 8 JIarlborough ... 6 10 Canterbury ... 26 8 8 Wbstland ... ... 16 9 6 Otago ... ... 146 2 4 433 10 4 Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, — Canterbury ... ... ... 0 5 0 Item 6, — Printing Depaetment,— Overtime and Contingencies 608 17 5 80 15 2 Item 7, — Electoral Department,— Printing Bolls, Advertising, Travelling Expenses, &c., —■ Auckland ... ... ... ... £200 12 0 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 2 14 6 Wellington ... ... ... 195 10 6 Hawie's Bay ... ... ... 11 7 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 151 16 1 Marlborough ... ... ... 26 5 6 Canterbury ... ... ... 343 8 7 Westland ... ... ... ... 21 15 3 Otaqo .,. ... ... ... 327 5 9 Item 8, — Geological Depaetment,— Instruments, &c. 1,280 15 2 116 2 9 Item 10,— Deeds Registry Department,— Recording and Contingencies, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £60 17 5 Wellington ... ... ... 12 13 8 Marlborough ... ... ... 8 15 0 Canterbury ... ... ... 24 5 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 Otaoo ... ... ... ... 56 19 11 Total Liabilities op 1871-72 1(54 1 0 2,6X1 4 S 3.00G 3 9 FINANCIAL TEAE 1872-73. VOTE No. 6:— Governor's Establishment, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1872, to 22 June, 1S73 Forage Allowance Contingencies 1,119 16 2 287 10 (j 339 15 10 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 1,747 1 6 147 1 C 1,600 0 0 Carried forward 1,000 0 0 3,096 3 9'