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EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1872-73, nr d: itail — eontin, ■cd. INCIDENTAL REVENUE-«>»«»»e<*. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ■ ■ Brought forward 3,740 11 4 15,599 2 1 Miscellaneous — continued. Sales of Land at Gisbornc Sales of E uildings at Port Waikato ,, „ Ilowiek ,, ,, Fort Britomart Sale of Refuse Flax ... ... ... ... Refund of Amount of Insurance) on schooner "Edith," twice paid Recovery of Insurance on Duty Stamp Paper lost in s.s. " Rangoon "... Recovered on account of defalcation of R. Cheeseman On adjustment of obarges in respect of the expenses attending the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Annual Drawings of Consolidated Loan Debentures ... Recoveries for Seeds supplied to Immigrants Payments to Public Account, refundable Sundries 1,877 0 0 164 4 0 57 9 0 150 O 0 86 7 1 22 10 0 45 0 0 72 5 0 773 G 11 14 11 6 276 0 6 35 5 0 Total Incidental Revenue ... ... ... 7,314 10 4 £22,913 12 5 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. CREDITS in Reduction or Expenditure :— Liabilities op Pbevious Yeaes, — Civil List, — Division II. Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund, — " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869," —- Half-year's Interest due 30th June, 1872, on £31,000, under "The Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871 "... " Military Pensions Act, 1866 " Appropriations, — Vote No. 1, — Item 3 —Governor's Establishment ... £12 14 6 ,, 5—Executive Department ... ... 0 14 2 „ 7—Electoral ... ... ... 110 „ 14 —Resident Magistrates' Courts ... 57 6 0 „ 19-fJuries Act ... ... ... 10 10 0 „ 20—Criminal Prosecutions ... ... 23 0 0 „ 21—Postal Department ... ... 32 18 7 „ 24—Native Department ... ... 74 5 0 134 8 11 930 0 0 G 1G 6 212 9 3 I Financial Yeab, 1872-73 — Civil List,— Division II. Permanent Charges, — Interest and Sinking Fund, — " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869," — Half-year's Interest to 31 December, 1872, on £31,000, under " The Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871"... " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," — Accrued Interest to 1 June, 1873, on Debentures sold " Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870," — Accrued Interest to 6 June, 1873, on Debentures sold " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870," —■ ' Accrued Interest to 6 June, 1873, on Debentures sold ... ... ... ... £170 39 2 Ditto to 19 June ... ... ... 4 15 8 Ditto to 30 June ... • ... ... --859 16-'0 Ditto on Debentures sold in Sydney and Melbourne ... ... ... 570 11 11 1,283 14 8 48 7 9 930 0 0 105 17 2 427 7 10 " Native Schools Act, 1871 " " Military Pensions Act, I860 " 1,106 2 9 12 5 4 13 7 Appropriation s, — Vote No. 2—Government Domains ... ... £17 15 0 „ 8 —Executive Department... ... 7 0 0 „ 10—Printing „ .,. ... 934 14 5 „ 11—Store „ ... ... 0 5 0 „ 13—Electoral „ ... ... 41 17 0 „ 14—General Crown Lands ... ... 13 6 8 „ 15 —Land Transfer Department ... 39 5 4 „ 16—Deeds Registry „ ... 36 0 10 Carried forward ... £1,090 4 3 2,631 4 5 1,283 14 8