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limits of the Australasian Colonies, and that such prohibition should take effect from and after the publication of a notice in the London Times-." Now therefore His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government, with the advice of the Executive Council, in exercise of the power conferred by the said Act doth hereby make order as follows, viz.: — The Order in Council of the fourteenth of October, 1867, hereinbefore mentioned, so far as it relates to the quarantine of cattle, sheep, and swine brought to this Colony from Europe or any places beyond the limits of the Australasian Colonies, shall bo revoked from the date hereinafter mentioned. The landing in Victoria of cattle, sheep, or pigs shipped at any place or places beyond the limits of the Australasian Colonies is hereby prohibited for two years, commencing from the date hereinafter mentioned. The revocation of the said Order in Council of the fourteenth of October, 1867, and the prohibition of the landing of cattle, sheep, and pigs as hereinbefore mentioned, shall take effect from the day of the publication (or first publication if published more than once) in the London Times newspaper of a notice of prohibition as aforesaid, and shall extend to all cattle, sheep, and pigs only which shall be shipped after the date of the publication of such notice. And the Honorable James G-oodall Prancis, Her Majesty's Chief Secretary for Victoria, shall give the necessary directions herein accordingly. J. H. Kay, Clerk of the Executive Council. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey, New Zealand, to the Hon. Chief Secbetaey, Victoria. (No. 47.) Sic,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 7th May, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the number and date quoted, in the margin, and to thank you for the Order in Council enclosed therein, prohibiting the importation of stock from beyond the limits of the Australasian Colonies into the Colony of Victoria, for a period of two years. I have to inform you that the subject of prohibiting the importation of stock into New Zealand, is now under the consideration of the Government of this Colony. I have, &c, The Hon. the Chief Secretary, Victoria. "William H. Beynolds. The Hon. the Chief Seceetaey, Victoria, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey, New Zealand. (No. 2,627.) Sic, — Chief Secretary's Office, Melbourne, 3rd May, 1873. With reference to the resolution of the Intercolonial Conference agreeing that measures should be taken to prohibit the importation of stock into any of the Australasian Colonies for a period of two years, I have the honor to inform you that I learn, by a telegram from the Colonial Secretary of New South Wales, that a copy of the proclamation issued by that Government had been sent to Sir Charles Cowper by the April mail, and that he was, at the same time, instructed to act upon it on receipt —namely, in June. As the Agent-General for Victoria has been directed to defer advertising until he has conferred with the gentlemen who represent the other Colonies, in order, if possible, to allow of the proceedings being simultaneous and identical, perhaps you will think it well to communicate with your representative in London, with a view to united action being taken by the whole of the Colonies, which in every respect is advisable. I have, <fee, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand. . J. G. Peancis. The Hon. the Chief Seceetaey, Victoria, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey, New Zealand. (No. 3,227.) Sic,— Chief Secretary's Office, Melbourne, 18th June, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your circular letter of the 4th instant, notifying, in reference to Eesolution XIV. of the late Intercolonial Conference, that the Government of New Zealand have not, in the present state of the law, the power to interdict the importation of stock other than diseased cattle ; also expressing your intention to submit to Parliament, as soon as possible, a Bill to confer on the Government the necessary powers. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand. J. G-. Fbancis. The Hon. the Chief Seceetaey, Victoria, to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaey, New Zealand. (No. 3,798.) Sic, — Chief Secretary's Office, Melbourne, 2nd August, 1873. I have the honor to oncloso a copy of a letter received from the Colonial Secretary of New South Wales, proposing to this Government to follow the course taken by that Government in prohibiting the importation of cattle, &c, from New Zealand, together with a copy of the reply of this Government, stating the reasons why they do not feel justified in doing so. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand. J. G. Pbancis.