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of the year, in the Provinces to which they belong; and when the General Assembly is in recess, it is often as easy to collect a quorum for an Executive Council in Provincial capitals as at Wellington, while the occasional presence of the Governor in those capitals is desired both by his Ministers and by the inhabitants. 7. As such Provincial capitals increase in importance, it is hardly probable that the position of Superintendents will diminish in consequence. But the question is one which the Governor cannot determine acceptably in the altered circumstances of the case, and I have therefore the honor to ask for your instructions with regard to it. 8. I would ask your Lordship to lay down a definite rule in this Colony as to the precedence of ex-Ministers who have received from Her Majesty the permanent privilege of bearing the title of " honorable," and of wearing the uniform of their rank. That which was prescribed for gentlemen similarly distinguished in New South Wales in the Duke of Buckingham's (separate) Despatch of Ist January, 1868, viz., that " they should take precedence according to the dates in " order of the first appointment of each to the Executive Council, after existing " Executive Councillors," would, I believe, be suitable to this Colony. I have, &c, JAMES EERGUSSON, The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. Governor.

No. 8. Copy of DESPATCH from Governor the Right Hon. Sir J. Eergusson, Bart., to the Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 60.) Government House, Wellington, My Lobd,— New Zealand, 23rd July, 1873. At the request of my Advisers, I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of a letter received by the Government of New Zealand from one John A. Beale, on the subject of extending to New Zealand the operation of the Imperial Act, intituled the " Colonial Attorney's Relief Act," 20 and 21 Viet. c. 39, together with three copies of each of the New Zealand Statutes relating to admissions to practise as solicitors at the New Zealand Bar, and to request that your Lordship will be so good as to recommend Her Majesty to be pleased to make an Order in Council, under the 20th and 21st Viet. c. 9, extending the provisions of the Act to New Zealand. I have, &c., JAMES EERGUSSON, The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. Governor.

Enclosures. Letter from Mr. J. A. Beale, 19tli April, 1873. Enclosure 2 with. 5 sub-enolosures. Enclosure 3.

No. 9. Copy of DESPATCH from Governor the Right Hon. Sir J. Eekgttsson, Bart., to the Right Hon. the Earl of Kimbebxey. (No. 61.) Government House, "Wellington, My Lord,— New Zealand, 25th July, 1873. Since I addressed you by the last mail, in my Despatch No. 51, of 30th June, 1873, with reference to certain doubtful points of precedency which had been brought to my notice by my Advisers, it has been suggested to me that the rule laid down by His Grace the Duke of Buckingham, for the precedency, in the Colony of New South Wales, of gentlemen who have received the permanent privilege of bearing the title of " honorable," and of wearing the uniform of their rank, viz., "that they should take precedence according to the dates in " order of the first appointment of each to the Executive Council, after existing "Executive Councillors," would not be entirely satisfactory, inasmuch as it might happen that a gentleman who had occupied, at different times, some office in the Ministry, would, upon the completion in the whole of a period of three years' service, and upon his retirement, become eligible for the permanent honorary distinction, and upon obtaining it would take precedence of any other who had previously obtained it, and whose service in the qualifying rank had been continuous, it might be, in the office of Premier.