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The totals for the past year are, therefore: 54 candidates examined in the Junior, and 22 in the Senior; 42 passed the Junior, and 19 the Senior. G-ENEEAL KETUEN. In the following return of candidates, examined and passed since the Board was first appointed, the words "Single Examination" refer to the period prior to the division of the examination into two branches, Junior and Senior.

EMPLOYMENT OF PASSED CANDIDATES. As far as the Board can ascertain, the number of candidates who, having passed, have obtained employed in the Civil Service is as follows :■ —12 who passed " Single Examination;" 26, Junior Examination only; 29, both Junior and Senior Examinations = total, 67 in Civil Service, —leaving 20 unaccounted for, or known to be still at school or in private employment. MISCELLANEOUS. The Board have during the past year recommended the Government to accept as a qualification for the Civil Service, without further examination, the passing of the annual examinations held by the New Zealand University, provided that in each case the candidate has passed in all the subjects required by the Civil Service Regulations, and obtains a certificate from this Board to that effect. The Board have also recommended the Government to accept as a qualification for the Civil Service, without further examination, a degree in any of the following Universities, cited in Statutes VII., VIII., and IX. of the New Zealand University: —Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, St. Andrew's, Edinburgh, Dublin, Durham, London, Queen's University of Ireland, Sydney, and Melbourne. It having been represented to the Board that a strong desire existed in the Engineer's branch of the Public Works Department, that cadets should be allowed to substitute Trigonometry for Latin in the Senior Examination, the Board have recommended the Government to give effect to this substitution, so far as the above branch of the service is concerned; but that candidates availing themselves of the exception should not be considered as having passed the Senior Examination in respect to other branches of the service. EXPENDITURE. The expenditure by the Board during the past year was as follows: —

I have the honor to forward herewith a complete set of the examination papers used at the recent examination. I have, <fee, "W". GrISBOBNE, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chairman. By Authority: Ueobge Didsbubt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB74. [Price 3eZ.]

« Single Ex! imination. Jin dor. Sei tior. Examined. Passed. Examined. Passed. Examined. Passed. anuary, 1869, to December, 1870 "anuary, 1871, to June, 1872 ... 'uly, 1872, to June, 1873 "uly, 1873, to June, 1874 84 20 88 24 64 13 12 42 12 12 22 8 6 19 84 20 111 07 4G 33

"oted by Parliament for expenses of Board £ s. d. 200 0 0 £ s. d. Fees to Local Examiners, December, 1873 44 2 0 „ „ June, 1874 ... 24 3 0 Preparation, Ac, of Examination Papers 52 2 0 Total ... ... ... 120 7 0 Balance unexpended ... ... 79 13 0 £200 0 0 £200 0 0