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Operations in the Field. —The force in this district has not been engaged in any field operations during the past year. Conveying Mails and Despatches. —No public mails have been conveyed. A mounted orderly is despatched daily from Opepe to Tapuaeharuru, a distance of eleven miles, who returns the same evening with any telegrams or other despatches which may have arrived during the day. Communications between the posts are forwarded by the mounted men of the force between the mails. Escorts and Guards. —No escorts have been required. A non-commissioned officer and three men mount guard daily at each post at 9 p.m., and come off at 6 a.m.; a non-commissioned officer at each post being on general duty throughout the day. The detachment at each station paraded as a guard of honor to His Excellency the Governor on his recent tour through the district. Making and Improving Target Manges. —At Runanga, a range up to 300 yards has been made. At Tarawera, new butts have been erected, a bridle-track 15 chains long cut, and a foot-bridge 36 feet long placed across the river Waipunga leading to range. The range at Tapuaeharuru has been improved, levelled, and scrub cleared off, back-screen re-erected, and butts repaired. At Opepe, the range has been changed, and the necessary screens, markers' butts, firing mounds, &c, erected. Telegraph Lineman. —Mounted Constable Eoger Dansey acted as lineman at the Taupo Telegraph Station up to 30th June, 1873; he was then discharged to enable him to join the Telegraph Department. Mounted Constable James Wiley then acted in this capacity from the Ist July to 14th February, 1874, when he was also discharged, and he joined the same department. Mounted Constable George Crossman is at the present time the lineman. Issuers and Storekeepers. —One man of the Armed Constabulary acts as sub-storekeeper for the district, and Constable Maycock is employed as issuer to Captain Mair's Native Contingent at Te. Niho ote Kiore. The public works property at each station is in charge of the officer commanding the station. Erection of Redoubts and Stockades. —At Tarawera, a new redoubt 125 yards in circumference, with palisading 12 feet high and earth breast-work 6 feet x 4 feet, mounted with 150 gabions, has been completed. The palisading and slab parapet of the redoubt at Eunanga was finished; new fencing put round the parade ground, which was greatly increased by levelling and cutting down a hill. The redoubts at Opepe and Tapuaeharuru have been several times repaired during the last twelve months; the upright timber in front of the former having decayed, new timber was put in, which was obtained from the bush. Civii. Duties. Attending Civil Courts. —A Court has been held fortnightly at Tapuaeharuru by the Resident Magistrate of the district, at which two men of the Armed Constabulary attend. A non-commissioned officer officiates as clerk to the Court, and the men of the force are employed as required in serving summonses. Talcing Census. —One sergeant and one constable from Tarawera were employed in taking census and agricultural statistics from 20th February to 4th March, 1874. From Runanga, a member of the force was engaged five days on this duty. From Opepe three constables were engaged, one proceeding to Ohinemutu and the Lake District, one to Maketu via Te Teko and Galatea, and the other round the neighbourhood of Opepe, and were employed fifteen days. The men of the force from Tapuaeharuru were employed on this duty for the space of eighteen days, in and around the neighbourhoods of Rotorua, Tokano, Tauhara, and Rotokawa. Public and Useful "Woeks. Nature and Extent of Boad Work. —At Opepe, the formed portion of the road at each side of station was kept in repair. The cuttings require constant attention to prevent scouring, especially after the heavy rains prevalent in Taupo. At Runanga, a road from the redoubt 22 chains long and 18 feet wide was made, and the main road kept in repair. At Tarawera, part of the detachment was employed removing slips, &c, the road being impassable. At Tapuaeharuru, filling in and making approach to bridge crossing Waikato River; side cutting, 152f feet x 16^ feet xlf feet=l62 cubic yards ; embankment, 33 feet x 32 feet x2j feet=BB cubic yards: total, 250 yards. The road in the vicinity of the station has been kept in repair. Building Bridges and Culverts. —At Opepe, one culvert 2 feet by 18 inches and 13 feet long has been put in immediately below the redoubt. At Runanga, seven culverts—built of slabs split in the bush, and carted by the Armed Constabulary drays—put in on road from redoubt to main line. Building Souses, Stables, Sfc. —At Opepe, officers' quarters of sawn timber and shingled have been erected. A magazine, situated in the space in front of the north-east angle of the stockade, has been built. Its dimensions are 11 feet square outside, with a wall 18 inches thick, leaving a clear space of 8 feet square inside. The material is all pumice, and it is roofed with cement. The pumice was obtained with great difficulty from the plains at the back of Opepe, distant some seven or eight miles: it had first to be dug up, then collected in heaps, and carted into camp by Armed Constabulary drays and horses. Two new pumice chimneys erected, and the rest kept in repair. The stable has been repaired, freshly boarded, and new post and rails put up round the yard. At Tapuaeharuru, a guard-house, 12 feet x 12 feet, and a cook-house, 10 feet x 10 feet, are in course of erection in the redoubt. A boat-shed, 36 feet long, 8 feet x 6 feet deep, has been dug in the river bank, and thatched with raupo and toi toi. Another boat-shed, 36 feet long and 14 feet above high flood-mark, is nearly finished. A new entrance bridge and door made for the redoubt; a magazine, 10 xlO feet, built entirely of pumice stone, and fireproof; an oven and several chimneys have been completed and erected. At Tarawera, a magazine of slabs and earth has been constructed; buildings kept in repair; and 3,079 feet of timber sawn, for erecting mess and reading rooms, lining barrackroom, &c. At Runanga, a new mess-room, built of slabs, 24 feet xl 4 feet, roofed and shingled, has been erected. A stable, 28 feet xl 2 feet, is in course of erection; shingles split, and 3,000 feet of timber sawn.