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the burning of the Carlyle Hotel, the jury returning a verdict of arson against some person or persons unknown. On the 25th September Michael Flannigan was committed for trial at the Supreme Court, Taranaki, for obtaining money under false pretences. Foot Constable Sisly attended the Court, New Plymouth, as evidence. On the Ist February Henry Rubie was committed for trial, at Taranaki, on a charge of arson; and on the 30th March, 1874, John Redding, of Patea, was committed for trial at the Supreme Court, Taranaki, for attempting to cut his throat. Dr. "Walker and Mounted Constable Deane attended at New Plymouth as evidence. Taking Census.- —The following members of the Armed Constabulary Force were employed as Sub-Enumerators in collecting the census and agricultural statistics of the district:—Mounted Sergeant King, from Wanganui to Waitotara ; Foot Constable Long, from Waitotara to boundary of Province of Wellington; Foot Sergeant Eyton, from boundary of Taranaki Province to Manawapo Eiver; Foot Sergeant Mackay, from Manawapo to "Waingongoro River. Public and Useful "Works. Nature and Extent of Road Work. —"Within the Government paddock at "Waihi, a road of about 2 chains has been formed; depth of cutting, 4 feet. One chain of bush road have also been formed. Building Bridges and Culverts. —The various bridges and culverts in the vicinity of the camp, "Waihi, have been kept in thorough repair, and 940 feet sawn timber have been used in making new culverts. Building Souses, Stables, Sfc. —At Waihi, a new lavatory, 22 feet X 8, requiring 940 feet timber and 1,000 shingles, has been erected. The material for this building had been sawn by the Armed Constabulary at Waihi. The whares at Waihi have been re-thatched and kept in good repair. Fencing Paddocks and Laying Down in Grass. —The Government paddocks at Patea and Waihi have required new fences, and posts and rails have been supplied from Waihi for renovating the fences at Patea. The fencing of a 5-acre paddock was completed early in the year, and about 4 chains post-and-rail fence have been put up at Waihi. A paddock of about 6 acres was laid down in grass for hay, but the crop obtained was inconsiderable, owing, I fancy, to bad seed. The remaining paddocks at Waihi have been constantly kept cleared ; and of 100 acres which surround the camp, very little remains uncleared. The paddocks at Patea have also been kept cleared. Erecting and Repairing Telegraph Line. —One constable has been employed by the Telegraph Department to act as lineman, up to the 25th April, at which time the constable so employed obtained his discharge, and the vacancy was not filled up. Remakes. I have the honor to state that during the past year the general aspect of the district has been most favourable ; and with the exception of a slight fracas at Ketemarae, occasioned by some drunken Maoris, Native matters have been very quiet. With regard to other duties performed by members of the Armed Constabulary, and not comprised under the headings already mentioned, I may state that one non-commissioned officer has been employed as District Clerk, and one non-commissioned officer as Militia Clerk and Drill Instructor throughout the year. One foot constable has been employed as clerk to Captain Wray, Acting Confiscated Lands Commissioner and Government Storekeeper. Sergeants King and Cowern have acted as Drill Instructors to the Volunteer Cavalry in the district. One non-commissioned officer was employed from June to November, 1873, as time-keeper on the Mountain Road. A party of Constabulary, averaging 3 in number, have been employed on different Burveys up to the 18th March, 1874. The sale of Government lands lying north of Patea, on the 12th March, met with ready purchasers ; and a marked improvement has taken place in the agricultural state of the district during the past twelve months ; the country lying between the Waingongoro and the Patea Rivers being now studded with farms and runs, and in a few years I am confident this will be one of the most flourishing districts in the colony. In conclusion, I would remark that the appearance and conduct of the men under my command for the past year have been remarkably good, and both officers, non-commissioned officers, and constables, have been attentive and diligent in the performance of their duties. From the Ist June, 1873, to 30th May, 1874, the following transfers and discharges have taken place in this district: —Sub-Inspector Forster, transferred to Tauranga; Sub-Inspector Hackett, transferred to Taranaki. One first-class sergeant, 1 second-class sergeant, and 7 constables, obtained their discharge, at their own request, on completing their term of service ; 8 constables were granted their discharge, at their own request, before their term of service had expired ; 1 constable was dismissed the force through misconduct, and one probationary sergeant deserted. I have, &c, 11. F. Tuenee, Major, The Commissioner, Inspector A.C. Force, Commanding Wanganui Armed Constabulary Force, Wellington. and Patea Districts.

Enclosure 4. Sub-Inspector Gudgeon to the Commissionee, Armed Constabulary Force. Sib, — Poverty Bay District, 3rd June, 1874. In compliance with instructions contained in Circular Memorandum No. 145, dated 30th March, 1874, I have the honor to forward for your information the following report of duties performed by the Armed Constabulary in the Poverty Bay district, in the year ending 31st May, 1874 :—