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■extract from a letter addressed by me on the 2nd instant to the Agent of this Province in Edinburgh, on the subject of another shipment of salmon ova from the Clyde, to be landed at the Bluff. I have, &c, J. Macandeew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure 1 in No. 5. His Honor the Supeeintendent, Otago, to Mr. Auld. (Cablegram.) Aebange shipment salmon ova from Glasgow, provided you can get Buckland to supervise shipment there. Auld, Otago Office, Edinburgh. Macandeew.

Enclosure 2 in No. 5. Extbact from a Letter from his Honor the Stjpeeintendent, addressed to John Atjld, Esq., British Agent for the Province of Otago, dated 2nd October, 1873., * # # # #,# # # # # # I have this day requested you, by cable, to obtain another shipment of salmon ova, to be shipped in one of the smartest of Messrs. Patrick Henderson and Co.'s clippers, said ova to be shipped at Glasgow for Bluff Harbour direct, together with as many immigrants as can be had for the same port. Mr. Frank Buckland has, I understand, expressed his willingness personally to supervise a shipment at Glasgow, and from his well-known enthusiasm in the matter, he will no doubt go into it eon amore. We have all the appliances for hatching at the Southland ponds, which are under the care of an experienced hand, who will give full effect, as respects the treatment of the ova, to whatever directions Mr. Buckland may send. You will have gathered from my cablegram that unless the shipment can be made from the Clyde, it is not to be undertaken. The object of making this a sine qua non is, that, as a rule, the Glasgow ships make the passage in a shorter time than those from London, and the success of the experiment depends upon the length of the voyage being shortened. I trust that ere this reaches you the necessary arrangements will have been completed, and that the shipment will be more successful than any that have preceded it. I have, <fee, ' J. Macandeew, Superintendent of Otago.

No. 6. The Hon. W. H. Eetnolds to the Agent-Geneeal.! Sic,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 27th October, 1873. I have the honor to inform you that during the recent Session of Parliament a sum of £500 was voted for the introduction of salmon ova, and it has been decided, at the request of the Superintendent of Otago, to hand the control of that sum over to his Honor for the purpose. I now forward, for your information, the copy of a correspondence between Mr. Macandrew and the Agent of the Otago Government at Edinburgh, on the subject of a proposed shipment of ova from the Clyde to the Bluff Harbour. I have, Ac, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London, Wm. H. Eetnolds.

No. 7. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 20th January, 1874. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 27th October (No. 141), on the subject of a proposed fresh attempt to introduce salmon into New Zealand. On learning that Mr. Auld had been instructed to seek the co-operation of Mr. Buckland, I at once offered to give this gentleman any facilities or assistance in my power, and on his application, I placed him in communication with Mr. Johnson, who had constructed the ice-house for Mr. Youl on board the " Oberon ". I regretted to learn subsequently from Mr. Buckland, that, owing to the advanced state of the season, and to the circumstance that the fish had this year commenced spawning earlier than usual, he had been reluctantly compelled to postpone his operations altogether till next season. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.