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2nd Class —4 Scholars.—Reading (6th book, " Scotch National ") ; spelling (words of 3 syllables, words of same sound, derivation of words) ; mental arithmetic; arithmetical tables; grammar (etymology and syntax); arithmetic (simple division); physical geography; English history; writing. In the 2nd class one pupil had advanced in arithmetic as far as compound division, and the others to simple division. Th.c pupils in the Ist and 2nd classes are learning music. 3rd Class —s Scholars.—Reading (sthbook, "Scotch National"); spelling (words of 2 and 3 syllables; arithmetical tables; arithmetic (simple multiplication and division); writing. 4th Class —4 Scholars.—Reading (words of 2 syllables, 4th book) ; spelling (ditto); arithmetical subtraction; arithmetical tables; writing. sth Class — _ Scholars.—Reading (Ist book); spelling (words of 1 syllable). Maps. —Some very creditable specimens were produced by six of the pupils. Sewing. —Five girls exhibited specimens of sewing and fancy work, all well and neatly done. All the above girls can do plain sewing, and some make their own clothing. Total pupils on the roll, 25 —19 males, 6 females; present at inspection, 14 —9 males, 5 females; absent, 11 —10 males, 1 female. School inspected 28th April, 1874. Master, Mr. Walker ; mistress, Mrs. Walker. Average daily attendance for the year ending 30th January, 1873,17 —12 males, 5 females. Pupils absent from first class, 6; from second class, 1; from third class, 1; from fourth class, 1; from fifth class, 2.

Enclosure 5 in No. 9. APPENDIX E. Kaiapoi School. Summary of the various Branches of Education taught in the School, and the Classification of the Scholars. Ist? Class —5 scholars. —Reading (Third Book, Irish National Series); writing (copy-books and slates) ; arithmetic (multiplication and division). 2nd Class —2 scholars.—Reading (Second Book, Irish); writing (copy-books and slates); arithmetic (subtraction and multiplication). 3rd Class. —4 scholars.—Reading (Second Book, Irish); writing (copy-books and slates); arithmetic (multiplication). 4th Class —4 scholars.—Reading (First Book); writing (copy-books and slates); arithmetic (addition). sth Class —4 scholars. —Reading (letters); writing (letters); arithmetic (nil). School inspected 13th May, 1874. Master, Mr Reeves. Number of scholars on the roll, 18—11 males, 7 females; number present, 18—11 males, 7 females. Average daily attendance for the period ended 30th June, 1873, 17—8 males, 9 females.

Enclosure 6 in No. 9. APPENDIX F. RETURN of Native Schools in the South Island for 1874.

Name of the School. Province or District where situated. Average Attendance for the Year ended 30th June, 1873. Name of Master. Amount of Salary or Allowance. Remarks. liverton ... Otago 19 Mr. Ireland £ s. d. 80 0 0 The building used for school purposes was erected at the joint expense of the Government and the Natives ; the former contributed £239 towards the cost. A sum of £420 has been expended by the Government on the school and Master's house. This amount was expended out of a sum that accrued by way of interest on the £2,000 part purchase money of Stewart's Island, appropriated to educational purposes, before the money was invested in land. The capitation allowance paid tc the Teachers of the Riverton and Ruapuke Schools has also been paid from the same source. The school was built at the joint expense of the Government and the Natives, and £286 was contributed by the former for the Master's house. iuapuke ... Ruapuke 22 Rev. Mr. Wohlers 80 0 0 itago Heads Otago 17 Mr. Walker Mrs. Walker 130 0 0 20 0 0