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Schedule B. (Referred to in Conditions of Contract hereto annexed). List of Medicines, Sfc, required for every One Hundred Persons. N.B. —The Medicines, &c, must be procured from the Apothecaries' Hall, London. All the Medicines to be put in stopper bottles, and the Ointments in tins. All the poisonous articles to be legibly marked " Poisons." Where more than 16 ozs. of an article are required it is to be supplied in two vessels —one for use, and the other for store. lb. oz. lb. oz. j 2 Yds. emp. resinas 0 6 Acid acetic 0 2 Pluinbi. acetas 2 Galls, pale or colour- ~] $££< 0 li „ citric. 0 6 Potas. bicarbonas (pulv.) less fluid carbolic a~ ~S? 0 {' „ gallic. 0 2',, iodidum acid 1 3 {'I 0 i„ hydrocyanic, dil. plainly 012 Pulv. acacitc gummi. 1 Cwt. carbolic acid 'J £ a marked "Poison." 0 8 „ aluminis. powder, containing J- _-_ f"_ 01J „ hydrochlor. ") Carefully o | „ antimonialis not less than 20 P~ J ■ 01| „ nitric fort. £ S"aS ° X » "romat. per cent, of pure &f s| 010 „ sulphur dil. J with sand. 0 1,, catechu comp. carbolic or cresylic s,l__ 2,0 „ tartaric (pulv.) 0 2 „ cretas aromat. acid Jp=§Sa 0 6 Amnion, carb. 0 2 „ ipecac. 1 Gall, alkaline permanganatis 010 „ hydrochlor. 0 2 „ „ c. opio (Condy's preparation) 012 Amylum. 0 4 „ jalap*. 1-1 lbs. chloride of lime 0 i Antimon. tartra. 0 li „ kino c. opio 0 i Argent! nitras 0 i „ opii. 0 1 Borax (pulv.) 0 6 „ potassas nitrat. Miscellaneous. 0 {Assafcetias > 0 6,, ~ tartras. acid. T Male syringe (glass) ~> 0 1 Calx (Rccens.) in stop, bottle 0 6 „ rhci. T Female ditto .5* 2 * Camphor _ 0 g „ scammonii comp. X 2 - o z. gl ,„l lmt ed glass mcasuro "2 0 4 Chloroform in slop, bottle 0 3 „ zmgibcris X Minim class ° 0 6 Conf. sennas 0 li Quina3 sulph. X Bolus knife 0 6 Copaiba 0 4 Quassias 6 Doz. assorted green flat phials «2 0 i Creosote 0 i Sapoms dur. X Gro^s phial corks g 1 0 Cretas prasp. 0 i Santonine g Yds. flannel ■" 0 i Cu])ri. sulph. 0 8 Sennas fol. X 2 Yds. calico '"£ 0 i Ergotas (pulv.) 3 0 Soda) bicarbonas (pulv.) 4 Sponges * 0 2 Emplast. canlharid. 0 6 „ et potassas tart, (pulv.) X Bed pan • I 0 2 „ lythargyri 0 4 Sp. asthevis 1 Paper of pins 3 0 2 „ resmas 010 „ „ mtrosi. 2 Pieces filleting for bandages, _ 0 i Est. aloes 0 10 „ amnion, arom. bleeding t>» 0\ „ belladonna? 010 Rectificatus X Truss for hernia, right and left _ 0 4 „ coloc. comp. 0 6 Syrupus fern lodidi 2 Papers of pill boxes 0 i » conn. 1 0 Sulphur, subhm. 36 GWuipota (assorted) _ 0 i „ hyoscyam. 0 6 Tmct. camph. c. opio. 2 Quires of paper for putting up 9 0 i „ opn. 1 4 „ card. comp. medicines. £ 0 1 Eerri. sulph. _ 012 „ catechu. 30 0 Blank adhesive labels J 0 8 Gentianas radicis 0 J ~ digitalis 0 4 Glycerine 0 3 „ ferri perehlori 0 2 Hydrarg. ammoniat 0 4 ~ hyoscyam li Yard india rubber cloth *J 0 1 „ c. creta, 0 4 „ kino i Yard of oiled silk 2 0 „ subchlor. 0 8 „ opii. i Square yard of Markwick's spon--0 J lodum 1 0 „ rhei gio piline •&■ 1 4 Liniment: saponis. 0 2 „ scillas 1 Complete set of Cline's splints °> 0 8 Liquor ammonias. 0 8 „ sennas 1 Double action enema apparatus ,5 0 4 ~ plumbi subacct. 0 4 ~ valerianas ammo. 1 Bleeding porringer h 0 2 „ potass®. 0 6 Unguent, calaminas 14-oz. syringe «2 14 0 Magnesias sulph. 10 „ cetacei 1 Set copper scales and weights, § 0 4 „ carb. 0 3 „ hydrarg. i lb. to $ oz. 0 % Morphias hydrochlor. 0 1 „ hyd. nit. 1 Box of small scales and weights § 0 8 01. lini 0 1 „ ~ oxidi rubri 2 "Wedgwood mortars and pestles }- o 0 1 „ menth pip. 0 6 „ resinas 1 „ funnel 0 i „ anelhi 10 „ sulphur. 1 Iron mortar and pestle 0 i „ anisi 0 2J „ ziuci oxid 1 Plaster spatula _ 1 0 „ olivas. 0 1 Vini colchici 1 Pair of scissors j? 4 0 „ ricini opt. 0 8 „ ipecac. 2 Skins of leather o 0 10 „ terebinth. 0 1 Ziuci sulphat. 1 Pill tile _ 0 i „ croton 1 0 Lard 1 Tin bath, 2 feet by 13 inches ™ 4 0,, morrhuas 8 0 Linseed meal 4 Saucepans of different sizes for o 1 4 Oxymel scillas 1 0 Lint, best the exclusive use of the hos- " 0 2 Pil. hydrarg. 2 0 Tow, common pital 0 i „ subchlor. comp. 2 0 „ fine A 2-gallon water filter J Whenever necessary, and especially when Cholera prevails as an epidemic, the Emigration Officer will require at least three times the above quantity of Oil of Turpentine, with a supply of Cayenne Pepper and Mustard. List of Surgical and Midwifery Instruments which the Surgeon of a Passenger Ship should possess. A pocket dressing case, containing scalpel, two bistouries Midwifery forceps and trachea tube. (blunt pointed and sharp), gum-lancet, tenaculum, for- Set of silver and gum elastic catheters, including female cep.% spatula, scissors, two probes, silver director, catheter and some bougies. caustic-case, curved needles of different sizes. One amputating knife and catliu, oue amputating saw, one Lancet-ease, with at least four lancets. Hoy's saw, tourniquet. Case of tooth-instruments. Silk of different sizes for ligatures and sutures. Desirable Additions. Cupping apparatus. Trephine and elevator. Trocar and canula. Craniotomy forceps, perforator and blunt hook. N.B.—The Surgeon should be provided vfith " Phillips's Translation of the London Pharmacopasia." By Authority: Geoeoe Didsbuut, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB73. [Price 9d]