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cated with the sub-agents, and requested them to forward me reports from their several districts, which reports I herewith enclose for your information. It will be seen from their reports that the emigrants from this country labour under considerable disadvantage in having to embark at London. I have, Ac, H. AY. Farnall.

No. 32. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (No. 490.) 7, AVestminster Chambers, Victoria Street, AVestminster, S.W., Sir,— 16th October, 1872. I have the honor to advise the sailing of the ship "Zealandia" for Otago, on the Bth instant, with emigrants equal to 2671 adults ; of which number 184 are sent out under Messrs. Brogden's arrangement. I send enclosed the certified list of emigrants who sailed in the vessel, with the ship's book and promissory notes of the passengers who are forwarded through this office. Messrs. Brogden's passengers are to bo landed at tho Bluff, as also are those named on a separate sheet herewith enclosed. The under-stated gratuities, Ac, will be payable on the recommendation of the Inspecting Officer, if approved by the Government, viz, : —To Captain Curry, £25; to Dr. Yorath, surgeon-superinten-dent, £50, and head-money at tho rate of 10s. per adult on the number of emigrants landed; to the chief officer, £10 ;to the officer who serves out the provisions, £5; to tho matron, Miss S. Hancock, £5 ; constables, ordinary, £2 each; constable, special, £5. I have requested the surgeon-superintendent to select a suitable person from among the emigrants and appoint him to be schoolmaster, promising him a free passage in return for his services if the Government should be satisfied that his duties have been efficiently discharged. I have, Ac, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General. List of Emigrants per " Zealandia" who aro proceeding to Southland, N.Z. : —David Stewart and wife, Alexander McLean, Kate Fahy, Honor Keaney, Margaret Young.

No. 33. (No. 491.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sir,— 16th October, 1872. I have the honor to advise the sailing of the ship " Crusader " for Canterbury, on the 12th instant, with emigrants equal to 1671 adults, of which number 18 adults are proceeding under Messrs. Brogden's arrangement. These persons are to be forwarded to the Bluff. Messrs. Shaw, Saville, and Co. undertake this duty, but the expense is to be shared equally between those gentlemen and the Government. I send enclosed the certified list of emigrants who sailed in the vessel, with the ship's books and promissory notes of the passengers who are forwarded through this office. The under-stated gratuities, Ac, will be payable on the recommendation of the Inspecting Officer, if approved of by the Government, namely:—To Captain Sutherland, £25; to Mr. Cadle, surgeonsuperintendent, £50, and head-money at the rate of 10s. per adult on the number of emigrants landed; to the chief officer, £10 ; to tho officer who serves out the provisions, £5 ; to the matron, Miss Sarah Home, £5. [I have requested tho surgeon-superintendent to select a suitable person from among tho emigrants and appoint him to bo schoolmaster, promising him a free passage in return for his services, if the Government should be satisfied that his duties havo been efficiently discharged.] Constables, ordinary, £2 each; constable, special, £5. I have, Ac, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, AVellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 34. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. (No. 492.) 7, AVestminster Chambers, Victoria Street, AVestminster, S.W., Sib,— 17th October, 1872. The enclosed cheque for £38 was handed to me, in part payment of the passage cost of some emigrants, by Mr. James McKay, one of the saloon passengers who sailed by the ship " Christian McAusland," for Otago, on the 6th September. On presentation to the Bank of New Zealand, a few days after its receipt, the cheque was returned marked " Account closed ; " probably Mr. McKay closed his account in ignorance that the cheque had not been paid in. I have no doubt that Mr. McKay will at once pay to the Government the amount of the cheque ou the circumstances being stated to him. Will you have the goodness to cause application to be made to him for this purpose on the arrival of the vessel. I have, Ac, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.