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No. 13. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (No. 420.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Sic,— AVestminster, S.W., 13th June, 1873. AVith reference to the Hon. Mr. O'Rorke's memorandum of 12th April (No. 66), 1873, you wil already have seen from my previous correspondence that I had anticipated the wishes of the Government by declining to entertain the proposal submitted by Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co., for the conveyance of emigrants to New Zealand via Cape of Good Hope. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 14. The Agent-General to the Hon. Colonial Secretary. 7, Westminster Chambers, A rictoria Street, Sir,— Westminster, S.AV., 13th June, 1573. With reference to your recent telegram relating to the demand for coal miners in the Colony, I have the honor to inform you that I have been in communication with a firm of mining agents in West Hartlepool; and I beg to annex an extract from a letter on this subject received this morning. I have little doubt that Messrs. Dicksons' observations with reference to the wages paid to this class of labourers apply also to other districts besides that in which those gentlemen reside. I have, &c., I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

Enclosure in No. 14. Extract from letter from Messrs. Wm. Dickson & Coy., of West Hartlepool, 9th June, 1872. Dear Sir, — " Referring to your separate favors of 28th ult., sth, aud 7th instant, we have to say that we are using the necessary exertions to procure for you such labourers and colliers as you require, and that at present we have several men in hand whose applications shall be submitted for your approval in a few days hence. "At present County Durham colliers are extra well paid, owing to the advanced price of the mineral, and without extra inducement would not be willing to abandon a permanent occupation, the masters and men having arranged among themselves."

No. 15. Extract from Telegram from the Agent-General, dated 17th July. 1873. " Two thousand six hundred fifty souls sailed May, June; probably twelve hundred July. " Report sent. " Featherston, London."

No. 16. Extract from Telegram: from Agent-General, dated London 24th July, Melbourne 26th July; Received Bluff 2nd August, 1873. " Emigration promising; twelve hundred souls sent this month; five ships laid on August. ' Hovding' from Christiania to Napier—full complement colliers; tailors forthcoming—German contract advise. Brogden refusing to carry out emigration contract; made no concessions.] " Featherston."