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London. Timea, Despatch, Standard, Christian World, Telegraph, Australian and New Zealand Gazette, Lloyd's News, New Zealand Examiner, "Weekly Times, Daily News. Recapitulation. England ... ... ... ... ... 65 Newspapers. Wales ... ... ... ... ... 8 Scotland ... ... ... ... ... 28 London ... ... ... ... ... 10 „ Ireland ... ... ... ... ... 15 „ Total ... 126

No. 9. The Agent- Genebal to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (No. 476.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 4th October, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Memoranda of the Hon. the Minister for Public Works Nos. 102 and 103, 1872, both dated sth August, and of the documents stated to be enclosed therein. I have already written to the Government on the subjects to which these Memoranda relate (letters Nos. 269, of 15th May, and 449, of 17th September, to which I beg to refer). With regard to the returns asked for by Mr. O'Neill and Captain Kenny respectively, most of the information required can be obtained from the ship's books of the emigrant vessels. I find that the whole of the ships' books which were in arrear at the date of your Memoranda were forwarded from this office on the 26th June. (See my letters No. 336, of 25th June, and Nos. 337 and 338, of 26th June.) I shall be glad to learn that the Government has been able to obtain from these returns the details which are required. Particulars of the local agents who have been appointed in connection with this office are furnished in a separate letter. As explained in one of my earlier letters (already referred to in this letter), complete lists of all nominated applications which have been cancelled were forwarded to the Government by last mail via San Francisco. Similar returns shall be prepared month by month for transmission via San Francisco. It is difficult to keep the Government informed of the movements or intentions of all the persons nominated in the various Provinces, as in many instances no replies are returned to the notices forwarded from this office. Tour instruction to furnish as much information as possible on this subject, from time to time, shall however be carefully complied with. In all outstanding cases —including those advised by last mail —passages shall bo offered by the vessels which are now on the berth. With reference to the case of David Gedye, of Oamaru, by whom relations were nominated (No. 18 in Dunedin list, No. 1), I find that on the 2nd January last, Mr. Auld (the Home agent for Otago) undertook to communicate with the whole of the persons nominated in list No. 1, dated 29th September, 1871. I have therefore been under the impression that Samuel Gedye had received the offer of a passage, and had neglected to reply to the invitation. Gedye shall bo written to at once, with a view to his proceeding in the " Euterpe," for Dunedin, on the 29th instant. The whole of the notices to nominated persons, as well for Otago as for other Provinces, are now issued from this office. I enclose a copy of the form of notice, which is accompanied in every instance by a prospectus giving full particulars of the ship's regulations, &c. I have, &c, I. E. Feathekston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

Enclosure in No. 9. Offices of the Agent-General for New Zealand, 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 187 I have received information from the Government of New Zealand that your friends in the Province of have the sum of £ : : towards the cost of your passage thither. If it is your wish to make application for passage you must be good enough to fill in the required particulars on the enclosed forms, and return them to the office as soon as possible. The first ship in which passages can be obtained is the , to receive passengers in on the day of next. I am, , your obedient Servant, Agent-General.