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neglect somewhere. Will you kindly let me know when the instructions went home from Wellington Office. G. T. Fannin, The Under Secretary, Immigration, Wellington. Immigration Officer.

Enclosure 2 in No. 75. Mr. Haughton to Mr. Fannin. Immigration Office, Wellington, 31st May, 1873. TnE Immigration Officer, Napier, is informed, in reply to his memorandum of the 21st instant, that Alexander Miban's name was sent to the Agent-General with Hawke's Bay passage order No. 53, on 6th July last; but no advice has been received as to whether he is coming out. Copies of this correspondence will be forwarded to the Agent-General by this mail. The Immigration Officer, Napier. C. E. Haughton.

No. 76. Memorandum No. 10S, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. Application having boon made for the refund of the sum paid for the passages of James Goodwin and others, Wellington nomination No. 83, forwarded to you on the 13th May, 1872, I should feel obliged by your informing me whether the persons nominated intend emigrating. Edward Eichardson, Immigration Office, Wellington, 2nd June, 1873. (for the Minister of Immigration).

No. 77. Memorandum No. 109, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. The nominated list of persons herewith has been sent into this office under the idea that they are willing to emigrate, although their friends here are not in a position to nominate them; and it has occurred to me that you might with advantage communicate with them, informing them of the terms upon which passages are granted to the Colony. Immigration Office, "Wellington, 3rd Juno, 1873. Gr. Maurice O'Eorke,


No. 78. Memorandum No. 111, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. Eeferring to Memorandum No. 100, of 10th May last, I herewith enclose further lists of nominated immigrants. Immigration Office, Wellington, 3rd June, 1873, G. Maurice O'Eorke.

Relation to Applicant. Married Names. Age. or Single. Occupation. Address. (Address must be written yery distinctly.) "Thomas Horan Catherine Connell... Francis Russell James Donnelly Daniel McCarthy ... Catherine McCarthy John Tuohy Mary Pigott Timothy Hurley Ellen Mullane Patrick Brien Margaret Mullane... Patrick Hurley Michael O'Brien ... Margaret Eeilly Catherine Louney ... Margaret Louney ... 'Denis O'Connor ... Julia Doyle James Eeilly Jeremiah O'Connor John Kennedy John Reilly Daniel Neill About 20 Friend Single Farm Servant Eatass, Tralee Ardfert, „ Castleisland jj jj Liestry, Killarney a E H jj jj Brother Friend ;j j> jj jj jj OS m 9 P^ a" I o w o jj Brother Friend jj jj jj jj Eatass, Tralee jj » j> jj » jj » jj jj ?j 1 Denis O'Connor, or }■ James O'Eeilly, Killarney, Ireland. J jj jj jj