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I learn that girls as general servants, and girls from twelve years old following parents, come out free ; and you will therefore be good enough to refund me what I have paid too much, and exempt mo from payment of their share of promissory notes. I also brought out a baby six months old which ought to be free, and no boy three years old; wherefore I ought to bo refunded the passage money charged for him, also his share of promissory notes. I have paid to the agent in Copenhagen, for the respective individuals, as follows : —

R. Dlr. Swedish. Carl Wackrow, 45 years, 1 adult ... ... ... ... 50 Elna Wackrow, 43 years, 1 adult ... ... ... ... 50 Mario Wackrow,* 17 years, 1 adult ... ... ... ... 50 Carl Wackrow, 14 years, 1 adult ... ... ... ... 50 Augusta Wackrow,* 12 years, 1 adult ... ... ... ... 50 Sophio Wackrow, 9 years, $ adult ... ... ... ... 25 Wilhelm Wackrow, 5 years, \ adult ... ... ... ... 25 August Wackrow,* G | years, ■§■ adult ... ... ... ... 25 Christina Eckberg,f ... 1 adult ... ... ... ... 50 Fritz Wackrow,t 19 years, 1 adult ... ... ... ... 114 489

I also was charged with doctor's examination fee, 20 E. Dlrs. extra, by the agent in Hamburg for the baby ; it was saw (sic). The agent in Copenhagen also received our certificates of birth, baptism, vaccination, confirmation, and marriage, which we fully expected to have received back here. Eequesting you to have the above looked into. I hare, &c, Carl Wackrow, A. F. Halcombe, Esq., Immigration Officer. (by J. Graff). * Of these are free —Marie, 50; Augusta, 50; August, 25; C. Eckberg, 50 —total, 175 R. Dlra. Swedish. t Separate contract list.

No. 59. Memorandum No. 53, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. In order that the Government may be in full possession of all information connected with the receipts for immigration, I have to request that you will furnish quarterly a statement of account, giving the name of the ship, the names of the immigrants, the amounts paid, whether in cash or bills, and the dates of payment in each case. I have directed an account with the above information to be compiled from the duplicate ships' books in this Department; but I am informed that the necessary particulars are not given in every case. Immigration Office, Wellington, 25th March, 1873. G. Maurice O'Eorke.

No. 60. Memorandum No. 57, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. Applications having been made for the return of the sum of £15 paid for the passages of John Wheadon and family, Marlborough passage order, No. 11, forwarded to you with Public Works Memorandum No. 116, of 4th September last, I shall feel obliged by your informing me whether this order is still in force. Immigration Office, Wellington, 9th Agril, 1873. G. Maurice O'Eorke.

No. 61. Memorandum No. 58, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. With reference to your letter of the 6th February last, No. 85, 1873, I have to inform you that the arrival of emigrant ships since February last has been duly telegraphed, and in future you will be kept informed, in accordance with your request. Lands and Immigration Office, G. Maurice O'Borke. Wellington, New Zealand, 10th April, 1872.

No. G2. Memorandum No. 69, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. Eeferring to Memorandum No. 46, 1873, of the 15th instant, I herewith transmit supplementary Schedule of nominated immigrants. Lands and Immigration Office, G. Maurice O'Borke, ■Wellington, New Zealand, 14th April, 1873.