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Present: A. Chetham Strode, Esq., E.M., in the Chair; Drs. Alexander and Drysdale ; Captain ■Win. Thompson, Health Officer ; Thomas Hill, Esq., Principal Officer of Customs; and Thomas A. Mansford, Esq., J.P. The above members of the Board having visited the ship " Christian McAusland," lying in the Quarantine Ground, and informed themselves of the state of matters on board the ship, afterwards met at the Court House, Port Chalmers, when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: — 1. That the whole of the passengers on board the ship, with the exception of those in the cabin, be removed forthwith to the Quarantine Islands, and detained in quarantine. 2. That the single men be placed in lighters, to be moored off the smaller island. 3. That the married people, single women, and children, be placed on the larger island. 4. That the married families shall occupy the first, and the single women the upper floor, of the buildings. 5. That every article of clothing and bedding in xise by those who had been infected with scarlatina during the voyage be destroyed. 6. That the clothing and bedding of all the other passengers be disinfected in the hot air chambers. 7. That 72 stretchers, tent accommodation for 50 adults, and a bale of 50 blankets, be at once ordered and placed on the island. 8. That lighters for the accommodation of 100 men bo at once procured, and fitted up with temporary fittings. 9. That the vessel, after the removal of the passengers as before directed, be thoroughly cleaned and fumigated, by means of carbolic acid, and subsequently fumigated with sulphur. 10. That it is desirable that a sergeant of police be placed in charge of the large island, and a constable in the smaller one; and that His Honor the Superintendent be respectfully requested to give effect to this resolution. 11. That a person be appointed as storekeeper on tho larger Island during the continuance of the quarantine. The Board then adjourned until Monday next, at noon. A. Chetdah Steode, E.M., Chairman. At a meeting of the Board of Health held at Port Chalmers, on Monday, the 9th December, 1872 :— Present: A. Chetham Strode, Esq., E.M., in the chair; Drs. Alexander and Drysdale; Thomas Hill, Esq., Principal Officer of Customs ; and Thomas A. Mansford, Esq., J.P. The above members of the Board having visited the ship, found that the passengers had been removed to the Quarantine Island, as directed at last meeting. Resolved, That the passenger fittings be at once taken down, and the ship thoroughly cleaned and fumigated, as previously directed. The Board then visited the " Galliot" lighter, and afterwards the Quarantine Island; there received a report from the Surgeon-Superintendent, and found everything progressing favourably. The Board then adjourned until Saturday next, at noon. A. CIIETHAM STEODE, E.M., Chairman. Ship "Palmeeston." At a meeting of the Board of Health, held in the Court House, Port Chalmers, on Friday, Gth December, 1872 :— Present: A. Chetham Strode, Esq., E.M., in the Chair; Thomas Hill, Esq., Principal Officer of Customs; Drs. Alexander and Drysdale; Captain William Thompson, Health Officer; and J. A. Mansford, Esq., J.P. The Board having met to consider the case of the ship " Palmerston," lying in the Quarantine Ground, and having heard the report of Captain Thompson and Dr. O'Donoghue, resolved unanimously That the ship be detained in quarantine, and subsequently removed to the Sand Spit at the Heads. That the case of scarlatina reported as convalescent on the 2nd December last, be removed at once from the ship to the Quarantine Island, and there placed under the charge of the surgeon of the ship " Christian McAusland." Tho Board then adjourned until Monday next, at noon, A. CnETiiAH Steode, Esq., E.M., Chairman. At a meeting of the Board of Health, held at Port Chalmers, on Monday, the 9th December, 1872 :— Present: A. C. Strode, Esq., E.M., in the Chair; Drs. Alexander and Drysdale; Thomas Hill, Esq., Principal Officer of Customs ; and J. A. Mansford, Esq., J.P. The above members of the Board having visited the ship and found a fresh case of scarlatina, proceeded at once to inspect the Sand Spit, when it was unanimously resolved, — That the passengers be placed on the Sand Spit at the Heads, and the sleeping accommodation be provided in lighters placed on the spit, and that say six tents be provided for the infected cases. That all the Crown land on the Spit be proclaimed a quarantine station. That a cordon be established across the Sjtit, marked with yellow flags, within which the passengers are to remain. That His Honor the Superintendent be respectfully requested to provide three constables as a guard.