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What Wages were given. Married Couples — Farm Servants, £60 per annum and found, with £5 bonus at end of twelve months; £70 per annum with cottage and garden. Farm Labourers, £52 per annum and found, with ss. per week extra during harvest; one was engaged at £50 per annum. Carpenters, 9s. per day. Single Women — Cooks, £30 per annum. General Servants, £25 to £30. Housemaids, £25. Nurse, £30. Girls to assist in house work, £15 to £18. Present Demand of the Labour Market. —My remarks on the immigrants by the last ship (the "Pleiades") still apply. The supply of farm labourers, both single men and married couples, was quite unequal to the demand, and many employers were again disappointed. Applications were received for upwards of 100 single women. The number of servants actually open for engagement was ten.' General Remarks. —Some of the immigrants by this ship were German, and some Danish ; these people do not agree well together, and it seems an objectionable plan sending them by the same ship. J. E. March, Immigration Office, Christchurch, 17th January, 1873. Immigration Officer. 0

Enclosure 3 in No. 45. Ship " Lady Joceltn." Number shipped ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 129 Number landed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 129 Total chargeable to the Government, 129 statute adults. I hereby certify that all the conditions and stipulations of the agreement entered into between the General Government of New Zealand and Messrs. Shaw, Saville and Co., for the conveyance from London to Canterbury of the above-named immigrants, appear to have been in all respects duly fulfilled and observed. J. E. March, Immigration Office, Christchurch, 16th January, 1873. Immigration Officer. Note.—ln addition to the number (129 statute adults) landed at Canterbury, the " Lady Jocelyn '' conveyed 52 statute adults under agreement with Messrs. Brogden and Son, who were forwarded to Dunedin.

Enclosure 4 in No. 45. Ship " Pleiades." Number shipped ... ... ... ... ... ... 100} Number landed ... ... ... ... ... ... 100J Total chargeable to the Government, 100J statute adults. I hereby certify that all the conditions and stipulations of the agreement entered into between the General Government of New Zealand and Messrs. Shaw, Saville, and Co., for the conveyance from London to Canterbury of the above-named immigrants, appear to have been in all respects duly fulfilled and observed. J. E. March, Immigration Office, Christchurch, l(jth January, 1873. Immigration Officer.

Enclosure 5 in No. 45. Ship " Crusader," Adults. Number shipped... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148J Less deaths ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Number landed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148 Total chargeable to the Government, 148 statute adults. I hereby certify that all the conditions and stipulations of the agreement entered into between the General Government of New Zealand and Messrs Shaw, Savilio, and Co., for the conveyance from London to Canterbury of the above-named immigrants, appear to have been in all respects duly fulfilled and observed. J. E. March, Immigration Office, Christchurch, 16th January, 1873. Immigration Officer. Note.—ln addition to the number (148) statute adults landed at Canterbury, the " Crusader " conveyed nineteen statute adults under agreement with Messrs Brogden and Son, who were forwarded to Dunedin.