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No. 21. Memobahdum: No. 23, 1872, for the Agent-Geneeal, London. Befeebing to Public Works Office Memorandum No. 64,* 1872, of the 5th of June last, in which it was suggested that you should take steps for the establishment of an emigration depot at Plymouth, —I have to inform you that the Government is desirous to know what action has been taken by you towards the establishment of emigration depots, not only at Plymouth but in other parts of the United Kingdom, as information has indirectly reached the Colony that such depots have been established, but there is no official information that such is the case. G. M. Wateehouse, (in absence of the Hon. Minister of Immigration). Immigration Office, Wellington, 23rd November, 1872.

No. 22. Memorandum No. 27, 1872, for the Agent-Genebal, London. (Supplementary to Memorandum No. 19, of 23rd November, per San Francisco Mail.) Iw my memorandum of the 23rd instant, by the San Francisco Mail, you were directed to forward for arrival within the year 1873, 8,000 statute adults, exclusive of nominated immigrants and of those sent out under arrangement with Messrs. Brogden. I omitted to inform you that it is desired that the numbers for each Province should be as follows :—

Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 800 adults. Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... ... 600 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... ... 1,000 „ Marlborough ... ... ... ... ... 100 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... 2,250 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 3,250 „ Total 8.000 statute ndnlts.

I trust that the arrangements made regarding the conveyance of these immigrants will be of a superior character to those which have hitherto prevailed. It is very unsatisfactory to the Government, as it must be to the Agent-General, to have the repeated complaints which have arisen in connection with the conduct of emigration. The Governmsnt can see no sufficient reason why the arrangements as regards the introduction of immigrants to New Zealand should be less perfect than were those of the English Emigration Commissioners at the period when, under their auspices, such a large stream of immigration was flowing into Australia. I believe such a continuous repetition of complaints as regards the character and accommodation of the vessels in which emigrants are being forwarded is without precedent of late years. The risk to which they would appear lo have been involved is not fair to the immigrants themselves, whilst it exposes the Colony at large to the possibility of the introduction of fatal forms of disease. The Government are very anxious to hear of the establishment of the Scotch and Dublin Agencies. The failure to open the Scotch Agency has led to much inconvenience, and will involve the Colony in many claims for compensation. The Government are beset with complaints from persons who, having nominated friends on the assurance that arrangements would be made to enable emigrants to embark from Glasgow, find that the friends so nominated are required to undergo the expense of a journey to London, or forego the voyage altogether. Doubtless the instructions of the Government upon this point will already have been given effect to ; but with a view to the prevention of any further mistakes, I deem it well to add, that the AgentGeneral is requested to consider the instructions as regards the opening of these agencies not of a discretionary, but of an absolutely imperative character. G. M. Wateehouse, (for the Hon. the Minister of Immigration). Immigration Office, "Wellington, New Zealand, 27th November, 1872.

No. 23. Memorandum No. 30, 1872, for the Agent-Genebai, London. Toue letter of the 4th October, 1872, enclosing list of newspapers in which the New Zealand Emigration advertisements are inserted, has been duly received. You will be good enough to inform me how frequently the advertisements appear in the several newspapers, and under what arrangements with regard to cost of insertion ; and you will please forward me a return of the cost of advertising in connection with emigration for the year 1872. G. M. Watebhouse, (in absence of the Hon. Minister of Immigration). Immigration Office, Wellington, sth December, 1872. * a. No. 3, 1872, page 43.