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(Return to an Order of the Bouse of Representatives, dated 24, th July, 1873.) Banking, Financial, or Exchange operations of the Government of New Zealand. — (Mr. Webster.)

No. 1. Memobandttm. year 1871, Paper B. 13.

No. 2. The Hon. J. Vogei, to Mr. D. L. Murdoch. Q General Government Offices, Auckland, 22nd March, 1H76. ' I have the honor to state that the terms which, after several discussions, 'twas agreed t v v^o ouKmiHpd to the Government as the terms on which the Bank ot New Zealand wouTdTwitnSo^^ndtTaktlo l^ZZle of £500,000 of Colonial Debentures in Melbourne Ind Sydney have been, by telegraph, submitted to the Government, and have been approved of. Those temi the debentures in Melbourne and Sydney, charging | per cent, commistwenty days after its lodgment in the Bank at t^^JSJ^Sff-SltSS^m amount not exceeding £200,000 to be remitted to LOnd 4 OnTht GotrnTeSbe %J^VSSA~m to the extent of 75 per cent, against the debentures ;^uch advances to be madefy the Bank atWeUington; interest on such advances to bo *^^^ttfKS&.sr3Sg two months'notice, to claim repayment of advances ; such repayment to be? made by the Government, at their option, by bills on Melbourne, Sydney, or L°B^J^S hd*l^S sold no charge to be made, except for absolute expenditure in adVtln gth\^vh nole rmat gr of'the negotiation, the Bank to act under the instructions of the Government- I have, &c, D. L. Murdoch, Esq., Inspector, Bank of New Zealand.

No. 3. Mr. D. L. Mtjedoch to the Hon. J. Vooel. Inspector's Office, Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, 25th March, 1873. SlE '~~ I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22nd fcstanV^^ t"n JatinAhat ie, clmio Lto attach to any unsold debentures except for absolute expenditure in adverj£SSß?sSi?!^rj!»«?-» w- *-such exP enseB as advertlsing and prmtlDg are B.—3a.