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Vide Parliamentary Paper, I". No. 2.

I am desirous to connect my name in this manner with the Colony of which I have been Governor during an important and critical period of its history. I yield to no permanent colonist in affection for New Zealand, and in lively interest in its progress and welfare. I have, &c, The Chancellor of the University of New Zealand. G-. F. Bowmr.

No. 26. Copy of a DESEATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Boaven, G.C.M.G., to the Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 23.) Government House, Auckland, My Lord, — New Zealand, 15th March, 1873. At the request of my Eesponsible Advisers, I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of " Eapers relating to proposed Electric Telegraph Cables" between New Zealand and New South Wales, and also between Normantown in Queensland and Singapore. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. F. BOWEN.