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Beyemie, 1872-73: Estimated and Received. f

Estimated, £1,076,000; receipts at Treasury, to June 30,£1,119,402 95.1 d.: excess, £43,402 9a. Id. Customs show greatest increase. Other increases and decreases.

* £4,504 16s. 6d., collected during the month of June but not remitted to Wellington, is not included in this total. The Committee will observe that, in response to the undoubtedlyprosperous condition of the Colony, the Customs Revenue takes the lead in the increased receipts. The Stamp Duties have done no more than come closely to the amount they were estimated to yield; which I suppose we may consider satisfactory, seeing how seldom it has been possible to form any trustworthy opinion as to what would be the result of this puzzling portion of our revenue-yielding machinery. The receipts of the Postal Department show an astonishingly close approximation to the estimate. There is a very large increase in the revenue of the Telegraph Department —an increase amounting to 25 per cent, on the estimate. There is probably no branch of the revenue which more faithfully represents improvement in trade and commerce than the Telegraph receipts; and the large increase during the past year may, therefore, be accepted as another proof of the prosperity of the Colony. The Judicial Revenue is some £4,000 less than was anticipated. Colonial Treasurers have at different times made merry over this item; and they have asked, Whether an increase was to be taken as indicative of depression, and a decrease as proof of prosperity ? I must leave it to honorable Members to decide this abstruse question each for himself. The Land Registration receipts have not equalled the estimate ; neither have those for Crown Grants. There appears to be so much confidence in the Government of the Colony, that purchasers of land feel very reluctant to withdraw their Crown Grants from official custody and to pay the necessary fees. In Miscellaneous and Incidental Receipts, there has been a considerable increase over the amount estimated. The Ordinary Revenue of the year was £1,119,402 9s. Id., to which has to be added—Credits to votes, £11,603 12s. Bd.; assets (irrespective of the assets already included as recoverable on account of the previous year), £7,208 16s. Bd.; and transferred from the Public Works Account as against Interest and Sinking Fund for works during construction, £98,500: thus making £1,236,714 18s. sd. as the total of receipts and assets. It would be tedious to the Committee were I to give even an abstract of the many interesting facts disclosed by the revenue tables and the tables relating to trade. I content myself by inviting honorable Members' attention to them. Table K. presented for the first time last year, I am able to extend, with results, I venture to think, with which the Colony has every reason to be satisfied. In continuation of the statement made last year, showing the proportion of Imports to New Zealand during several years, which, on account of their being non-consumable, may be considered to have added more or less to the permanent wealth of the Colony, I may state that during 1872 (there being no later return), the proportion of non-

Total receipts and assets, 1872-73, £1,236,714 18i. sd. Table K.

Proportion of Konconsumable Imports, daring 1872.

Differences. Heads of Receipt. Revenue op the Yeab 1872-73. Revenue AS Estimated. In Excess of Estimate. Less than Estimate. Customs —Duties, Rents, Seizures, &c. Bonded Stores Fees, Marine Act, including Light Dues „ Arms Act... „ Sundry Acts Stamp Duties Postal ... Telegraphic Judicial, Fees and Fines Registration of Land „ Deeds „ Births, Deaths, and Marriages ... Fees on Issue of Crown Grants „ Miscellaneous Incidental Receipts ... ... £ b. d. 852,144 12 4 4,108 3 5 £ s. d. 820,000 0 0 4,250 0 0 £ b. d. 32,144 12 4 £ s. d. 141'16 7 [ 10,564 19 C 10,000 0 0 564 19 6 79,417 17 3 50,586 6 4 41,450 5 7 28,568 0 9 7,118 13 6 13,458 2 6 3,043 0 6 5,288 6 7 1,242 2 8 22,411 18 2 80,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 33,000 0 0 32,000 0 0 9,000 0 0 13,500 0 0 3,000 0 0 8,500 0 0 2,750 0 0 10,000 0 0 586 G 4 8,450 5 7 582 2 9 3,431 19 3 1,881 6 6 41 17 6 43 0 6 3,211 13 5 1,507 17 4 12,411 18 2 *l,119,402 9 1 1,076,000 0 0 54,201 2 5 10,798 13 4 Totals 43,402 9 1