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" and that, consequently, the marks of respect paid to him are proofs of national " loyalty and patriotism." 4. In my reply to the address of welcome presented to me, I further said :— " A quarter of a century has not yet elapsed since the 23rd March, 1848, when " the little band of Scotch emigrants first landed on the site of what is now a popu- " lous and well-built town, but which was then silent and uninhabited, and covered " with a thick forest; but the single Province of Otago, of which these honored men " were the founders, already far surpasses in revenue, in trade, in all the elements " of national wealth, many entire colonies, such as Jamaica, Barbadoes, and Antigua, " which have been settled for above two centuries. I congratulate you on the " remarkable progress which Dunedin, in particular, has achieved ; on its rapidly " increasing material prosperity; and on the noble provision which has been made " here for education in all its branches ; and for industrial and charitable insti- " tutions." 5. The official statistics of the Colony will be found fully to justify the above remarks. 6. On the completion of this farewell visit to the South Island, I will return to Wellington to prepare for my final departure from New Zealand. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. F. BOWEN.

No. 18. Copy of a DESEATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 113.) Dunedin, Otago, My Lord, — New Zealand, 26th December, 1872. At the instance of my Eesponsible Advisers, I have the honor to report that the Government of New Zealand desire that Sir Charles Clifford (a distinguished colonist, and late Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives), and Mr. I. E. Featherston (the Agent-General in England), should be appointed Commissioners to represent this Colony at the approaching International Exhibition at Vienna. I would therefore request your Lordship to cause these gentlemen to be furnished with the necessary credentials, and with recommendations to the good offices of the British Ambassador and of the Austrian authorities. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. F. BOWEN.

No. 19. Copy of a DESEATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 1.) Dunedin, Otago, My Lord, — New Zealand, 7th January, 1873. In continuation of my Despatch No. 112, of the 24th December ultimo, I have the honor to report that I intend to leave Dunedin to-morrow on a rapid journey through the Gold Fields and the Lake Districts of the interior of the Erovince of Otago ; to which I had long promised a visit at this season. I expect to be at Wellington by the end of this month. 2. The residence of my family and myself in Dunedin during the past fortnight has been a source of constant satisfaction and pleasure to us, —not only from the heartiness of our reception on our arrival here,* —not only from the public balls and other festivities given in our honor, —not only from the marks of respect and esteem showered upon us by all classes of the community, —-but still more from the universal aspect of great and growing prosperity by which we are here surrounded. * See Governor of New Zealand to Secretary of State, No. 112, of 21th December, 1872. 4—A. 1.