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Fob Details see Pagb Disbursements. Colonial. Provincial. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward 156,968 5 4 11,991 3 3 163,104 2 8 39 39 39 40 40 44 44 53 53 56 56 59 59 60 Vote No. 2 — continued. Item 10 —Resident Magistrate's Court Contingencies „ 11—Petty Sessions' Court „ 12—Criminal Prosecutions „ 13 —Coroners, &c. „ 14 —Land and Deeds Contingencies „ 15—Postal ... „ 16—Telegraph ... „ 18—Native „ 19 —Inspector of Surreys... „ 20 —Miscellaneous „ 21 —Bank Commission „ 22—Defence Office „ 23 —Store Department „ 24—Militia and Volunteers ... ' 690 7 5 1,425 1 3 563 12 10 132 5 8 496 18 10 457 1 0 124 15 7 1,000 17 1 53 11 2 8,738 9 5 545 5 0 11 4 8 54 16 6 275 7 2 Total Vote No. 2... 17,424 19 6 65 20,295 G G 50,000 0 0 1,023 0 8 1,023 0 8 20,295 6 6 50,000 0 0 Payments to Pbovinces Advances prom Special Funds repaid ... Teeasuey Bills redeemed Total Liabilities of 1870-71 238,728 16 1 16,118 13 3 254,847 9 4 FINANCIAL TEAR 1871-72. CIVIL LIST. IS 18 18 Fibst Division i — HiB Excellency the Governor ... Tho Judges ,.. Establishment of the General Government 4,500 0 0 7,700 0 0 7,334 C 4 19 Second Division:— Native Purposes G,3G2 3 5 Total Civil List ... 25,896 9 9 PERMANENT CHARGES. liO 20 2L 21 ai 81 21 81 21 21 21 22 •2.-1 Interest and Sinking Fund : — " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856" " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860" " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65" " Public Debts Act, 18G7 " " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869 " " Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" ... "Temporary Loan Act, 1870" ... " Wellington Debts Act, 1871" " Treasury Bills Act, 1869 " " Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2 " " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870" ... " Treasury Bills Act, 1871" ... 17,250 0 0 6,617 0 0 82,252 0 0 4,424 5 0 200,479 10 0 2,370 0 0 21,050 1G 9 1,350 0 0 G51 19 3 4,417 15 10 4,600 0 0 14,627 13 2 1,704 7 6 Total Interest and Sinking Fund 361,794 7 C 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 Under Acts of the General Assembly:— " Armed Constabulary Act, 1867 " " Armitage Pension Act, 18G5 " " Attorney-General's Act, 18G6 " " Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865 " " Bartley Pension Act, 1867 " ... " Branigan Allowance Act, 1871" " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61" " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Comptroller's Act, 1865 " " Coroners' Act, 1SG7 " " Customs Regulation Act, 1868" " Juries Act Amendment Act, 1870" " Justices of the Peace Act, 1866" 97 6 3 150 0 0 1,000 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 1,200 0 0 4,5K3 6 6 4,976 13 0 800 0 0 1,657 12 0 65 18 5 724 8 6 667 1 5 Carried forward 404,713 3 4 642,538 6 7