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Again, mail and other steamers bound South, especially in heavy south-westerly weather, would steer so as to pick up the light about tho Waitaki; they would then stand along shore in confidence of a guide past Pish and Danger Reefs, carrying fore-and-aft canvas, with the wind off the land, in comparatively smooth water, and escape tho heavy sea and dead-on-end wind in the offing, thereby making a passage when the vessels in the offing would have to heave-to. During south-easterly weather, when vessels have to leave Oamaru through a sea setting in, a light on Wanbrow would enable them to keep handy to the port, and so get in as soon as the sea was down. As it is now, in the absence of a light, they invariably get far off shore and get becalmed, taking sometimes ten, and frequently seven, days in returning to port again. Wm. Sewell, Deputy Harbour Master, Oamaru.

No. 2. The placing of a light at Cape Wanbrow is very desirable: such a light would be most valuable to coastal and Australian steamers ; it would frequently obviate considerable delay by enabling vessels to keep closer to the land. Vessels coming from Lyttclton, bound for Dunedin, in south-easterly weather make for the Waitaki, thence proceeding along the coast. To be able to pick up a light at Cape Wanbrow would bo a very great advantage, and masters could proceed with confidence, opening out the Taiaroa Head light as soou as Cape Wanbrow light was lost. I have no hesitation in saying that my opinion will be coincided in by all masters of vessels, particularly of steamers visiting this part of the coast of New Zealand. A. Kennedt, Commander p.s. " Paterson." I fully coincide in the desirability of a light at Cape Wanbrow. E. Wheeler, Master s.s. "Taranaki."

No. 3. We, the undersigned masters of vessels trading to ports on the East Coast ofthe Middle Island, are of opinion that a light should be placed at Cape Wanbrow, as it would be of great advantage by frequently obviating delay by enabling vessels to keep closer to the Land, and affording a beacon for Pish and Danger Reefs. John Russell, Schooner " Cora." Thos. Underwood, s.s. " Alhambra." M. Caret, s.s. " Wellington." Angus Matheson, Schooner " Emulous." By Authority : Gbobgl Didsbcbt, Government Printer, Wellington. Price 3d.}