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14. If any false statement or false signature shall be found in the form of application or the certificates, or if the applicant shall fail to embark at the time and place required : or if, upon appearing at the place of embarkation, any applicant shall bo found to have any infectious disorder, or any bodily or mental defect, contrary to the statement in the application, such applicant will not bs allowed to embark. Note. —These conditions are intended to apply only for a short time, and are subject to modification unless immediately accepted. Skip's Regulations. 15. Provisions, Sfc. —Provisions, medical attendance, cooking, and cooking utensils are supplied on board without charge to the employed. The following is the dietary scale for each adult per week. Women receive same rations as men ; children between one and twelve years of age, one-half : —

Children between one and four years of age to receive preserved meat instead of salt meat every day, and in addition to the articles to which they are entitled by the above-written scale, a quarter of a pint of preserved milk daily, and 8 ozs. of arrowroot or sago weekly. Children under one year 3 pints of water daily : and if above four months old, a quarter of a pint of preserved milk daily, and 3 ozs. of preserved soup, 12 ozs. biscuit, 4 ozs. oatmeal, 4 ozs. sago or arrowroot, 8 ozs. flour, 4 ozs. rice, and 10 ozs. sutrar weekly. 16. No one will bo allowed to embark with a less quantity of clothing for each person than, — For M/ile.t. —6 shirts, G pairs of stockings, 2 warm flannel or Guernsey shirts, 2 pairs of new shoes, 2 complete suits of strong exterior clothing. For Females. —G chemises, 2 warm and strong flannel petticoats, G pairs of stockings, 2 pairs of strong shoes, 2 strong gowns, one of which must be warm. For Children. —7 shirts or chemises, 4 warm flannel waistcoats, 1 warm cloak or outside coat, 6 pairs of stockincrs, 2 pairs of strong shoos, 2 complete suits of exterior clothing. 17. Outfit, $'c. —The requisite mattrasses, bed-clothes, soap, and utensils will be provided by the Government at the following rates, which sums must be paid by the employed before they can receive their contract tickets, viz. : —For single women, 20s. each ; single men, 20s. each ; married couples and children, 20s. each adult. IS. The employed will be divided into three classes, and berthed in three separate compartments in the ship : Ist. Single men, that is, —all unmarried males above twelve years of age ; 2nd. Married couples, with children under 12 years; 3rd. Single women, that is, —all unmarried females above twelve years. The single women will be placed under the superintendence of a matron. 19. Luf/ffa/je, Sfc. —All luggage should be distinctly marked in paint with the name of the passenger and the ship ; and boxes containing articles which will be required on the voyage should have the word " "Wanted " written conspicuously upon them. The whole quantity of luggage for each adult, allowed free of charge, is 10 cubic feet measurement, and this may be either brought on board by the employed on the day of embarkation, or forwarded to the docks previously. Luggage in excess of this quantity will be chargeable with freight at a rate not exceeding Is. per cubic foot. Notice of the number and sizes of the packages containing such extra luggage should be sent to the shipping agents at least five days before the day of embarkation. The employed must present themselves at the ship on the day named for embarkation on the contract ticket. As all boxes are put into the hold of the ship, and those marked " Wanted " can be got at about once a month during the voyage, the employed should keep a supply of linen for immediate use in a canvas bag, which he can keep in his berth. 5, Queen Square, Westminster, London, S.W., John Bbogden and Sons. March, 1872. N.JB. —No notice will be taken of any application, nor will any answer bo returned to any inquiries, until the "Form of Application" is returned to this office, properly filled up and signed. Special arrangements will be made in the case of married couples and children. Conditions under which Messrs. John Bbooden and Sons (the employers) are prepared to enter into engagements to employ, in New Zealand, bond Jldc Nattiks and Labourers (the employed) in the construction of the Government Bail ways, and also to grant them Assisted Passages to the Colony. TnE employed enter into an agreement with the employers to work for them exclusively for such period as is mentioned below. 4—l. 5.

Preserved Meats. Beef. Pork. Biscuit. Flour or Bread. Hice or Oatmeal. Peas. Sugar. Lime Juice. Tea. Coffee. lb. 1 lb. lb. 1 lbs. ozs. 3 8 lbs. 3 lb. ozs. 1 8 pint. i lb. 1 ozs. 6 oz. 1* OZ8. 2 Butter. Raisins. Suet. Pickles, j Molasses. Mustard. Pepper. Salt. Potatoes. Water. Fresh or Preserved. ozs. G lb. i ozs. 6 pint. i lb. i i oz. 1 a oz. i ozg. 2 lbs. 2 [ I lb. i 2 qts. 21