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78. In case it was decided upon to go on with works of the kind you speak of in the report, at the Ngakawau, while these works were pending, what effect would they have upon the trade of the place — I mean on the trade of the Ngakawau; would it add to the facilities of the river, or make it more difficult for vessels to enter? I imagine it would not interfere with the facilities at present existing. 79. Is there not, in your opinion, great danger, where a vessel has got so little sea room to come and go upon, being thrown upon the rocks ? There certainly is danger, but it might be avoided by building one pier in advance of the other. If there is travelling shingle it would have the effect of making the bar worse. In that case two piers would be equally exposed as one if the shingle travels. 80. Have you any idea what the weight of stone would be required for building these piers ? Certainly the average weight of the blocks would not be less than from 3 to 5 tons at least, or even more than that. 81. The price you estimate for two piers is £51,250; does that include the whole of the material, or merely the labour? No, that covers the cement as well. 82. What proportion of the cost of concrete piers would be spent in labour ? The price of the cement would have to bo deducted. I calculate that would be nearly one-half of the entire cost. 83. Have you any reason to imagine that you have placed too high an estimate upon the cost of the piers ? No, lam sure I have not. 84. What length of time would be occupied in constructing these piers ? By pushing the work on, it might be completed in one year. 85. With what material could the work be got done quickest ? The concrete could bo finished much more rapidly than the stone. 86. Mr. Bcetham estimates that the work he proposes could be done for £20,000; what he proposes is, to make the piers not more than 12^ chains long ? That could be done for £20,000, but it remains to be seen whether or not it would be of any use after it is done. 87. Mr. O'Conor.] Can you state whether or not, by cutting down the length of the piers to one-half the size proposed in your report, the effect would be to bring the termination inside the bar altogether ? It depends where you start the work from. If commenced at the place I propose to start from, they would terminate inside the break. 88. Have you contemplated such a contingency as fallen timber coming down the river ? Speaking from the information I have got on the subject, there appears to be very little timber come down the stream. The river is hardly big enough to bring down much. 89. If timber did come down, would there be any great danger from the timber getting locked? No, I do not think so. 90. How long would the works proposed by Mr. Beetham take to complete ? They would not take less than one year. I estimate that, because some delay must take place in starting them. If they were built of granite blocks instead of stone, the labour alone would take one year to complete. If constructed of concrete, I do not think less time than one year would be occupied in that case either. 91. What time would it take to prepare the inside of the harbour, so that vessels entering might lie in safety ? So far as I understand, no provision has been made by Mr. Beetham for that purpose. All the bottom, for some distance, consists of large stones, and being below low water, they cannot be got out by dredging ; they must be taken out with the hand. It would be a most expensive undertaking, and I question very much but that the channel would fill up again. In fact, I believe it would be a constant expense to keep it clear. 92. Would it not be necessary to have these stones removed by tide work —that is, work only during certain states of the tide? Tes. 93. The Chairman.'] Do you consider that the estimate you have given is a fair one ? Yes; 1 consider it is as low as it could possibly be stated for the proposed work. 94. Mr. 0' Conor.] You are aware that the entrance to the Ngakawau is situated in a bight; if a vessel entering the river found that there was not room to get in, and a south-westerly gale was blowing at the time, how would she get out of the bight again ? She must go on shore. It would not be prudent for sailing vessels to enter unless they wore towed in. To make the entrance safe during any state of the weather, there would have to be a breakwater constructed outside the piers, so as to render the entrance smooth. That would entail an enormous expense. To make the piers of any use at all, they must be carried right out into deep water. 95. The Chairman.] We will now refer to the Buller and the proposed railway. What do you estimate would be the cost of making the proposed line between Westport and AVaimangaroa. That is, half the proposed line —I mean the earthwork and other works necessary in order to commence operations ? About £8,000. 96. What length of time would be required to complete the work, with say 200 men engaged upon it ? From five to six months, including delays. 97. In what time would the whole line be completed if it were pushed on? In about nine months. 98. If the railway was once completed, would there be any difficulty in vessels at once loading at Wostport? No. A very small expense only would be required for providing wharfage accommodation. 99. Would this line also be available for procuring stone for construction of the harbour works at Westport ? It would, with an addition of about a mile to connect it with the stone ; and that addition might also be made available for carrying coal. 100. In your estimate of the protective works at the Buller j'ou set down £4,000 for filliug in earthworks ; would it not be possible to erect the wall close enough to the existing bank to save that amount? In that estimate I had no real data to go upon ; I only supposed a certain amount might be required for filling in earthwork. 101. Are the works proposed to be constructed at Westport all of a permanent character ? Yes ; I see no reason to think otherwise.