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The minutes of last meeting were read and coiitinned. Mr. Mills appeared, and laid before the Committee his report referred to in the proceedings of the Bth instant. Mr. Mills' report, dated the 15th instant, was read, and it was ordered to bo attached to the proceedings. (Appendix No. 11.) It was arranged that Mr. Mills should submit a further report to the Committee on Wednesday next, the 17th instant. It was resolved that the meeting of the Committee ordered to take place on Tuesday, the 16th instant, should not take place. The Committee adjourned till Wednesday, the 17th instant, at 11 a.m.

Wednesday, 17th Septembee, 1873. Present: Mr. Murray, Mr. Webb. There being no quorum, the meeting lapsed.

Thuesday, 18th Septembee, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent: Mr. Carrington, Mr. J. Shephard, Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Steward, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Webb. Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Murray in the Chair. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Steward, That this Committee, while fully estimating the value of the papers submitted to it by the Government and by Mr. Butt upon the subject of introducing salmon and trout, regret that the time at their disposal will not admit of that careful consideration which would enable the Committee to report on the subject. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. O'Conor, That the Chairman of this Committee, Messrs. Carrington, Seymour, and Sheehan, be requested to wait upon the Government, and to take any other steps that may be necessary to ascertain the position of the " Walduck Company," as regards their obtaining, at a reasonable price, timber land, for the purpose of manufacturing charcoal in connection with the proposed ironworks at Taranaki. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. O'Conor, That, subject to existing engagements entered into by the Government on the recommendation of the Committee of last year, a bonus be offered for the erection of a suitable blast-furnace for the manufacture of pig iron in an approved locality, such bonus not to exceed 25 per cent, on the cost of erection, and not to be paid until the works are in full operation —not to exceed £5,000. The Committee adjourned sine die.

Monday, 22nd Septembee, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Carrington, Mr. J. Shephard, Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Webb. Mr. Seymour, Mr. Murray in the Chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The deputation appointed to wait on the Government reported to the Committee that having had an interview with the Colonial Secretary, that gentleman stated that the Government had under consideration the subject of the concession to Messrs. Walduck and Co.; and in the event of the Company establishing ironworks at New Plymouth, in accordance with their proposal to the Provincial Government of Taranaki, it is prepared to assist, to the utmost of its power, in carrying out the arrangements with regard to land between the Province and Messrs. Walduck and Co. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. J. Shephard, That a bonus be offered for the erection of suitable machinery for the manufacture of bar and rod iron and rails hi an approved locality. Such bonus not to exceed 25 per cent, on the cost of erection, and not to be paid until works are in full operation ; total amount of bonus not to exceed £5,000, and to be available for three years.

Tuesday, 23kd Septembee, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent : Mr. Carrington, Mr. Webb. Mr. Steward, Mr. Murray in the Chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and. confirmed. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Steward, That the final report be approved.