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Wednesday, 3rd September, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Sheehan, Hon. Mr. Richardson, Mr. Webb. Mr. Seymour, Mr. Murray in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Sheehan submitted to the Committee a letter from Mr. McKinny, of Mahurangi, on the subject of the cultivation of European flax, which is attached to the proceedings. (Appendix No. 6.) After some discussion, it was resolved that an adjournment should take place in order to obtain information on the subject. The Committee adjourned till 11 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, the 4th of September.

Thursday, 4th September, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Shcchan, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Webb. Mr. Murray in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Dr. Hector appeared before the Committee, and made statements relative to European flax and Roman and Portland cements. These statements were taken down in writing, and attached to the proceedings. Mr. O'Conor gave notice of his intention to bring forward the following motion at the next meeting of the Committee : — 1. That the great alteration that will take place in the value of the Mount Rochfort Coal Reserve, consequent upou the large expenditure contemplated by the Colonial Government for the development of that coal field, points to the necessity of some steps being taken to give the Colonial Government a voice as to its future disposal. 2. That with a view to giving practical effect to the foregoing resolution, this Committee present an interim report, recommending that the Government bring in a Bill to vest the Mount Rochfort Coal Field jointly in the Provincial and Colonial Governments, still leaving any revenue derived therefrom to be appropriated as at present. The Committee adjourned till 11 o'clock on Friday, the sth day of September, 1873.

Feiday, sth September, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Steward, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Webb. Mr. Murray in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. o'Conor withdrew the motions of which he gave notice at last meeting, and having obtained permission to amend the second motion, moved its adoption in the following form: — " That in view of the large expenditure contemplated by the Colonial Government for the development of the Buller Coal Field, your Committee recommend the Government to take such steps as may be necessary, without delay, to vest the control and management of the Buller Coal Field Reserve jointly in the Colonial and Provincial Governments." Mr. O'Conor supported this motion by a statement and by reading the report of a Committee of Inquiry on the Mount Eochfort Coal Field Reserve, dated 17th June, 1873, as published in the Nelson Colonist, and hereto attached. (Appendix ISTo. 7.) The motion was agreed to. Besolcrd, on the motion of Mr. Seymour, That an interim report be submitted to the House, embodying Mr. O'Conor's motion. The Committee adjourned till 11 o'clock on Monday, the Bth September, 1873.

Monday, Bth September, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. PbSSENT : Mr. O'Conor, Mr. J. Shepliard, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Webb. Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Murray in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.