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EEPOET No. 4. Tour Committee having partly considered the Petition of Albert Beetham, request an extension of time to bring up their final report; they also request permission to sit during the sitting of the House. Wm. Archd. Murray, Ist October, 1873. Chairman.

EEPOET No. 5. Tour Committee, having taken evidence upon the matter submitted to them, recommend that the whole of the evidence hereto attached be printed. 1. That, to enable your Committee to come to a decision on the question at issue, it would be necessary to fake further evidence, and to make inquiries which the time at its disposal would not permit. 2. That the evidence taken by your Committee shows that statements made by the petitioner, Albert Beetham, before it on the 25th of August last, as taken down by the short-hand reporter, were altered by the said Albert Beetham in several material respects, when delivered to him for signature, contrary to the orders of this House in that behalf. 3. That uo action should be taken by the Government, based upon the evidence of Albert Bectham, without further independent inquiry being made by the Government. Wsr. AitcnD. Murray, 2nd October, 1873. Chairman.

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. Wednesday, 23rd July, 1873. Present s Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Steward, Mr. Murray, Mr. Webb. Order of reference read. Moved by Mr. Steward, and seconded by Mr. O'Conor, That Mr. Murray be Chairman of this Committee. Carried. Moved by Mr. O'Conor, and seconded by Mr. Webb, That the following subjects shall receive the consideration of this Committee; and that the order in which they shall be taken be left to the Chairman:—■ 1. Coal Fields. 2. Iron and other Minerals. 3. Sugar. 4. Paper. 5. Flax. G. Timber and Planting. 7. Geological Department. S. Woollen Manufacture. 9. Dye Stuff. 10. Mustard. 11. Liuseed. 12. Preserved Fruits. 18. Glass Manufacture. 14. Chemicals. Carried. Moved by Mr. Steward, and seconded by Mr. O'Conor, That notice of any meeting of this Committee shall bo given in the Order Paper for the day preceding, and also of the day on which such meeting is to be held : the subject to be considered to be stated. Carried. The Committee adjourned sine die.

Tuesday, 7th August, 1873. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Bryce, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Steward, Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Webb. Hon. Mr. Bichardson, Mr. Murray in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Letter from Dr. Pollen, dated 24th July, 1873, to the Chairman, informing him that papers relating to the action taken by the Government on the recommendation of the Select Committee of last Session on Colonial Industries, are in course of preparation, and will in a few days be laid before Parliament.