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Final Report brought up and ordered to be printed, 23rd September, 1873.


Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 18th day or July, 1873. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to recommend what steps, if any, should bo taken to ascertain and develop the producing and manufacturing resources of the Colony ; the Committee to have power to confer and act with any similar Committee of the Legislative Council on the same subject, and to make either a joint or a separate Report; the Committee to hare power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum. Such Committee to consist of the following members : the Hon. Mr. Richardson, Mr. Seymour, Mr. O'Conor, Mr. J. Shephavd, Mr. Bryce, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Taiaroa, Mr. Steward, Mr. Webb, and Mr. Murray.

Thuesday, the 31st day of July, 1873. Ordered, That the number of the members of the Industrial Committee be increased to eleven, and that the name of Mr. Sheehan be added thereto.

Tuesday, the 30th day op Sememeee, 1873. Ordered, That the Petition of Albert Beetham be referred to the Colonial Industries Committee, and that the Committee be authorized to sit again, in order to consider the Petition of Albert Beetham.

EEPOET No. 1. Buller Coal Fields. Tiie Colonial Industries Committee desire to present an Interim Eeport with regard to the mauago inent and disposal of the Buller Coal Field Eeserve. Tour Committee recommend that, in view of the large expenditure contemplated by the Colonial Government for the development of the Buller Coal Field, the Government should take such steps as may be necessary, without delay, to vest the control and management of the Buller Coal Field Eeserve jointly in the Colonial and Provincial Governments. Wm. Aechd. Muebat, sth September, 1873. Chairman.

EEPOET Xo. 2. The Colonial Industries Committee have the honor to report, that with the view to utilizing the valuable Coal Fields of the Buller with the greatest advantage, both immediate and prospective, the Committee took a large amount of evidence (appended hereto), and, after careful consideration of such evidence, have arrived at the following conclusions: — Ist. That a railway can be made from "Westport to Waimangaroa in from five to six months, at a cost of £8,000, exclusive of permanent way ; and that, without improvement of the harbour of Westport, coal could be at once shipped from this railway. That a branch line of about one mile in length, which would also be available for bringing down coal, would connect the railway with large quantities of stone suitable for constructing the harbour works at Westport. That the whole railway could be completed to Ngakawau within nine months. That the harbour works at Westport, as recommended by Mr. Higginson, and approved by Mr. Carruthers, are likely to be permanent and efficient. 2nd. That the part of the Ngakawau harbour works, as proposed by Mr. Beetham, would cost not less than £20,000, and would require at least twelve months to complete ; and that it is doubtful if an available port can be made there, even at an enormous cost. (The Committee desire to call special attention to the valuable evidence of Mr. Higginson on this point.) That, even with a view of meeting immediate requirements, the advantages presented by the Ngakawau are not equal to those which Westport offers ; while as the permanent outlet to the Buller Coal Field, Xgakawau is decidedly inferior. I. 4.—l.