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No. 5. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sir,— 9th May, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 15th February (73-829), and to express my regret at the delay that has occurred in the transmission of the New Zealand War Medal* ordered in your letter of 23rd November, 1871. The matter lhad been entrusted by me to Mr. Morrison, and, till seeing your letter, I was under the impression that the medals had been forwarded to the Colony. On inquiry, however, I find that the medals are still at the Mint, and have not been mounted. The delay appears to have arisen in some measure through the non-settlement of the dispute with Mr. G. Austin, from whom Mr. Morrison purchased the inscribing machine, which was afterwards found unserviceable, and was accordingly returned by the Government Mr. Austin was applied to either to refund the amount paid to him by Mr. Morrison, viz., £73 10s., or to put the inscribing machine in proper working order. Hitherto, as I now find, he has failed to do either of these things. The mounting of the medals with swivel and bar has previously been entrusted to the same house, and the order for this was put off pending the settlement of the matter in dispute. I shall, however, at once place the medals in other hands for completion, in order to prevent any further delay ; and if a renewed application to Mr. Austin to rectify his inscribing machine should prove futile, I shall place the matter in the hands of my solicitor for such further action as he may advise. I have, &c, I. E. Featherston, A gent-General. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington.

No. 6. The Hon. the Colonial Secbetabt to the Agent-Genebal. (Telegram.) Wellington, 18th June, 1873. Wab Medals much wanted; send immediatelyEetnolds.

No. 7. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Peemieb. (Telegram.) Hokitika, 17th July, 1873 (no London date). Medals next mail. I'eatheeston, London. By Authority: Oeoiqji Didsbott, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB73. [Price 3d.]