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Table No. 2. RETURN of MEN ENROLLED for the ARMED CONSTABULARY FORCE, from 1st JULY, 1872, to 30th JUNE, 1873.

Table No. 3. RETURN showing the NUMBER of OFFICERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, and CONSTABLES struck off the Strength of the ARMED CONSTABULARY FORCE, from 1st JULY, 1872, to 30th JUNE, 1873.

Table No. 5RETURN showing the SUMS granted from the REWARD FUND to Members of the ARMED CONSTABULARY for zeal in the performance of their duties from 1st JULY, 1872, to 30th June, 1873.

Year. Months. Number of Men Enrolled. 1872 11 11 11 1873 July... August September October November December January February March April May... June 10 9 6 12 3 7 9 4 11 3 47 17 a a aa aa it Total 138

Cause if becoming Non-effei :tive. Discharged at own request, or on completion of Service. Medically unfit. Dismissed for Misconduct. Deserted. Deceased. Total. 98 50 158 (For Table No. 4, si :e next page.)

Hank and Name. District. Date. Service. By whom recommended. Amount. 1872. £ a. d. Constables Haden, Christopher Jos. Bay of Plenty 1st Nov. For zeaj, &c, in procuring the conviction of Peter Grant, for cattle stealing. Do. do. Inspector Thomson 3 0 0 Detective Constable N. C. Officer! of the Fori 1st Class | Sergeant ) Constable Kell, David i and Constables :e. OrbeD, G-eorge Graham Collins, Charles Do. Te Wairoa Do. Do. 1873. 21st Jan. 27th Feb. For service on expeditions in pursuit of Te Kooti. For exertion used in the arrest of one Alexander Campbell. For energy and perseverance displayed in the arrest of "William Moffatt, convicted at Criminal Sittings, Auckland, for horse-stealing. Do. Inspector Cumming Sub-Inspector Ferris Inspector Thomson 3 0 0 68 8 0 3 0 0 Waikato 31st Jan. 3 0 0 Detective | Constable ) Kell, David Do. Do. 5 0 0 Do. Do. do. 85 8 0