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The number of offences committed has been but few, and of no serious nature. Those men, however, who have misconducted themselves and proved to be useless and unworthy to be in the ranks of the Armed Constabulary, have, on my request to the Commissioner, been discharged. The health of the men has been very good. No sickness to mention. A Rifle Association has been formed during the past year ; it is much to be encouraged, as it materially tends to the improvement of the shooting. The members of the force also subscribe to a library of their own for the purchase of books, periodicals, newspapers, &c. I have, &c, AVilliam C. Lyon, Inspector A.C., The Commissioner, Lieut.-Colonel, Commanding Waikato District. Armed Constabulary Force, Wellington. Return of Work done by Armed Constabulary Road Parties in the Waikato District, from 31st May, 1872, to 31st May, 1873. Hamilton West. —Earthwork, 2,527 cubic yards ; forming, 53 chains ; fascines, 1,320. Hamilton East.' —Earthwork, 561 cubic yards ; forming, 6050 chains. Hamilton and Cambridge Boad. —Earthwork, 906 cubic yards ; forming, 313 chains ; two culverts (brush) made and others laid. Moanatuatua Swamp Boad. —s9'Bo chains 7-feet drain widened from 2 feet to 5 feet; 475 chains 7' X 4' 6" drain dug; 1825 chains 3' X 2' drain dug; 725 chains 2' X 2' drain dug; 1,700 fascines cut and carried 100 yards; 22 chains fascining; 1250 chains fascines laid; 90 chains turf spread; 94 chains sand spread; 15 chains tail-race 2' 0" x 3' dug; culvert 15' X 7' 6" made. Alexandra and Whata Whata Boad. —Earthwork, 3,153 cubic yards; forming, 71 chains ; fascines, 400. Ngaruawahia and Whata Whata Boad. —Earthwork, 1,543 cubic yards ; forming, 36 chains ; wings &c. fixed Ohote Creek Bridge, valued at £5. Ngaruawahia Ferry. —Earthwork, 1,369 cubic yards ; fascines, 250. Ngaruawahia and Hamilton Boad. —Earthwork, 320 cubic yards ; forming, 39 chains. Taupiri Gorge, Great South Boad. —Earthwork, 563 cubic yards. Tamahere and Cambridge Boad. —Levelling, 324 chains. Hamilton and Ohaupo Boad. —Earthwork, 2,548 cubic yards; forming, 8 chains. Cambridge Bridge. —Sinking holes in rock for bridge repairs, &c, valued at £3 Bs. Armed Constabulary of all ranks employed on roads, Waikato District, from 31st May, 1572, till 31st May, 1873, varied from 22 to 83; average throughout, 59. W. H. Clarke, Resident Engineer, Waikato.

Enclosure 2. Inspector Tuke to the Commissioner, Armed Constabulary Force. Sic, — Armed Constabulary District Office, Taranaki, 31st May, 1873. I have tho honor, in compliance with your Circular Memorandum of the 21st ultimo, and in terms of Circular 47, of the sth June, 1871, to forward a report of the various duties performed by the Armed Constabulary Force in the district under my command during the past year. Military Duties. Average Strength. —The average strength during the year has been 82, all ranks. Parades and Drills. —In addition to the regular parades, the force has been exercised in company and light-infantry drill'as often as practicable throughout the year. The major part of tho force has also been put through the usual course of musketry, with an improvement on last year's results. Patrols, Scouts, Sfc— The telegraph station south of Okato is frequently visited by a patrol from that station. There is no other established patrol. Most of the mounted men and a large proportion of the foot, having a good knowledge of the country, could act as scouts if required. Conveyance of Mails, Sfc. — Communication as hitherto is systematically maintained in all weathers with all stations north of head-quarters twice a week, and south of the town once a week —special orderlies being employed to bring news or despatches of any importance to the District Office, for transmission to the seat of Government. Escorts, Guards, Sfc. —Escorts continue to be furnished from the mounted or foot portion of the force whenever required. Guards are regularly mounted as heretofore at all stations or posts where considered necessary. Target Banges. —A new range 750 yards long, and capable of extension to 1,000 yards, has been cleared at Pukearuhe Station, and tho usual butts and platforms erected. The old range till lately in use at New Plymouth has been much improved, and a new range, 650 yards, in a much safer position, is now completed. Issuers, Storekeepers, Sfc. —At head-quarters, the District Clerk still continues to act as issuer of clothing, librarian, &c. At the Front, or Pukearuhe Station, the contractors have a person in their own employ at present acting in that capacity. Erection of Bedoubls and Stockades. —A new and'strong redoubt has been erected at Pukearuhe. The old redoubt at Wai-iti has been reduced in size, to accommodate a few men in charge of stores, horses, paddock, &c.; and all other posts have been kept iv good repair. Civil Duties. Prevention of Crime. —The assistance of the Armed Constabulary has not been required during the year in aid of the civil power. Parties were however detailed to assist in preserving order at race meetings, &c, if called on.