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No. 55. His Honor J. Macandrew to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Superintendent's Office' Dunedin, 9th April, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 103, of 29th March, 1873, enclosing copy of a letter received by Dr. Hector from W. L. Buller, Esq., with memorandum from J. A. Youl, Esq., on the subject of the removal of the salmon ova from the icehouses to the ponds. I have, &c, J. Macandrew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 56. Mr. A. M. Johnson to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Re Salmon Ova. Sir,— Dench's Hotel, Port Chalmers, 10th April, 1873. In accordance with instructions from our Council, I am waiting here the arrival of the salmon ova from England, to take charge of the portion that may be allotted for Canterbury. Will you therefore kindly let me know by telegram, or as early as possible, whether the shipment contains any ova of the brook trout, salmon trout, or lake trout, and by what mark the different boxes may be known. I have brought with me six cases, especially prepared for the purpose, capable of holding, with an ample supply of ice forty-eight boxes of ova, the cases to be slung with india rubber springs, and have taken every precaution I can think of to insure a successful transhipment. At present no one has arrived to take charge of the Southland portion. The " Oberon " may arrive any day now, and it is of great importance that no delay should occur in forwarding the ova to the hatching ponds. Trusting therefore you will grant every facility in this direction, . I have, &c, A. M. Johnson, Curator, Canterbury Acclimatization Society. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. P.S.—Please inform me the number of boxes allotted for Canterbury. There will probably be several tons of ice to spare, which, if sold, would clear the expense attending reshipment of ova, or provide funds for a shipment of American trout and salmon.

No. 57. Mr. G. S. Cooper to Mr. A. M. Johnson. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, Wellington, 14th April, 1873. My letter to you No. 239, of Bth April, containing Mr. Buckland's report, gives you full information re salmon ova per "Oberon." 20,000 allotted to Canterbury. No trout ova shipped. Have you received letter ? Reply free. Superintendent has bill of lading. G. S. Cooper. A. M. Johnson, Esq., Dench's Hotel, Port Chalmers.

No. 58. Dr. Hector to Mr. G. S. Cooper. (Telegram.) Nelson, 15th April, 1873. Re Salmon. Arrived last night and missed the " Wellington "by half hour. Fear no chance to go on till 23rd. Very sorry, as would have gone on South. Propose going to-day to see Collingwood Mine. G. S. Cooper, Wellington. J. Hector.

No. 59. . Mr. A. M. Johnson to Mr. G. S. Cooper. (Telegram.) Port Chalmers, 15th April, 1873. Just returned from Dunedin. Your letter and telegram received. Seen Superintendent. Every assistance promised, and all my arrangements completed. Howard, from Southland, also arrived. Many thanks for valuable information. A. M. Johnson. G. S. Cooper, Esq., Under Secretary, Wellington.