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Petboleum Rock Oil — P. Cunningham and Co., Christchurch, Canterbury— contd. Oozes from cracks in trachyte breccia, Sugarloaf Point, One peck Wheat. Taranaki. Wells have been bored to the depth of many Ditto (grown by F. Jones), hundred feet, but no steady supply of oil has been ob- Ditto, tamed. Crude oil has a specific gravity of 9627 at 60°, ' Ditto. and yields by fractional distillation oils having the fol- Ditto (grown by T. Anderson), lowing gravities: — Ditto (grown by R. Smith). ... ... "874 Ditto (grown by W. Williams). 10 „ „ „ -893 Ditto (grown by J. Jones). 8 „ „ „ "917 Ditto (grown by J. Campion, 67i lbs. per bushel). 60 „ „ „ "941 J. H. Eogers, Canterbury— — One peck Wheat (grown by Exhibitor). 80 Ditto ditto. The kerosene oil of commerce has a density of "810 to J. N. Tosswill, Canterbury— •820. One peck Wheat (grown by Exhibitor.) This oil is therefore quite unadapted as a substitute for W. D. Wood, Christchurch, Canterbury — kerosene, but might bo used with great advantage as a One peck Wheat, Tuscan (grown by Carlton of Biccarton). lubricant. Ditto, Imperial (grown by Deans of Eiccarton). Petroleum — Ditto, Suffolk White (grown by Deans of Eiccarton). Waiapu, East Coast of Auckland Province —Crude oil has Ditto, Velvet Chaff (grown by Cameron of Downs), a specific gravity of '872 at 58° Fahr. j boiling point, Ditto, Pearl Chaff (grown by Orr of Hawkins). 290° Fahr.; flashing point, 230° Fahr. This oil yields, Ditto, Hunter's White (grown by Cameron of Saltwater when distilled, oil as follows :— Creek). Fine lamp oil ... 11-00 per cent, of sp. gr. ... '820 W. H. Lane, Christchurch, Canterbury— Inferior lamp 0i1... 3775 „ „ ... '853 One peck Oats. Lubricating oil ... 25 69 Ditto. Parafine ... 1600 J. G. Bluett, Leeston, Canterbury— Bituminous residue 936 One peck Spring Wheat; cut January, 1872. P. Cunningham and Co., Christchurch, Canterbury— 10000 One peck Oatmeal; manufactured by E. Steggall, of SouthBy repeated rectifications, this oil would probably yield brook. 20 per cent, of lamp oil adapted for consumption in J. and T. Meek, Oamaru, Otago— common kerosene lamps. A small sample of oil from the One peck Flour, same district had specific gravity '866, and gave, when J. H. Rogers, Canterbury — twice rectified, 10 per cent of lamp oil of specific gravity One peck Flour (grown by Exhibitor). 819, or at proof, 40°. W. D. Wood, Christchurch, Canterbury— Petboleuji Oil— One peck Flour, from all Tuscan wheat. Waipawa Eiver, Poverty Bay, Province of Auckland. Ditto, from mixed wheat. Steatite— One peck Sharps. Collingwood, Nelson. Occurs in a large mass or dyke in One peek Flour, from all pearl wheat, the Parapara Valley. W. H. Lane, Christchurch, Canterbury— Marble — One peck Flour, from all pearl wheat. Collingwood, Nelson. Forms a large part of a mountain One peck Sharps. range, and could be quarried and shipped with faculty G. Pannell, Christchurch, Canterbury— in blocks of any size. One pock Flour. New Zealand Agricultural Society, Auckland— Two samples of wheat (grown by James Eunciman). E. W. Trent, Chrietchurch, Canterbury— BUILDING STONE, FIRECLAY, ETC. Samples of Chicory (grown by Exhibitor). Austin and Kibk, Kowai, Canterbury — Fireclay, ground. Austin and Kirk, Kowai, Canterbury— Fireclay, " pugged." Waikato Coal Mining Company, Auckland — WOOL. Fireclay. W. Wilson, Christchurch, Canterbury — , Marble for lime, from Upper Malvcrn, Canterbury. H p Murray-Atnsley, Mount Hutt Station, Eakaia Gorge, E. Gadd, Hillsborough, Canterbury— Canterbury— T - rv G^ ayst<raf ~ „.„ o^u " - ' Exhibit of Merino Fleeces, 6 and 8 tooth male sheep, J.DEnys Castle HiU Station Canterbury- eleyen months , th firgt comb; hoWat £ Stone from Castle Hill, West Coast Eoad, one side cut washed with Lan § e , g tent we f^ t 2f lb with saw, two sides natural state, one side rough- a c icfi of preT ; OUB clipB i/ Londo b D) i 9 .' 9d . dressed ; can be obtained any size. 2 S si d M. B. Hart, Christchurch Canterbury- Canterbury and Otago Association, Levels, Canterbury--2 Vases, turned from freestone. Exhibit of MerinQ Wool> ram hoggetts . first comb f ng . -tion. sh. ixKAT scoured Trachyte Dykestone, Banks' Peninsula, Canterbury. Robert Tinline, Ferniehurst, Amuri, Nelson— J. a i.i « n i. v Exhibit of Merino Fleeces, ewe hoggetts, fourteen months' Limestone Ashley Gorge, Canterbury. t] first combi j * weight, 6i lbs. M. B Hart, Chnstchureh Canterbury- Q A |_ wey ; ParnaBSU9; l muri °Nelson- g Glass Sand, from Ashley Gorge. Exhibit of Merino Fleeces, ram lambs, fourteen months' growth, first combing ; in grease ; weight, 5 lbs. ♦ Canterbury and Otago Association, Levels, Canterbury— Exhibit of Merino Fleeces, 4-tooth ewes, twelve months' GRAIN AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. growth; {F^' w^ ht ' 6|, 1b9-; averase Price of previous clips in London, Is. od. G. A. Anstey, Parnassus, Nelson— J. and T. Meek, Oamaru, Otago — Exhibit of Merino Fleeces, 6-tooth ewes, eleven months' One peck Velvet Chaff Wheat. growth, first combing; greasy ; weight, silbs. One'peck Tuscan Wheat. T. S. Tancred, Eaukapuka, Canterbury— One peck Purple Straw Wheat. Exhibit of half-bred Leicester and Merino Fleeces, ewe P. Cunningham and Co., Chrißtchurch, Canterbury— hoggetts, first cross, thirteen months' growth, first One peck Wheat. combing ; greasy ; average price of previous clips in Ditto. London, Is. 6d. Ditto (grown by P. B. Luxmore). S. Bealey, Hororata, Canterbury— Ditto (grown by Pareora Association). Exhibit of half-bred Eomney Marsh and Merino Fleeces, Ditto. hoggetts, first cross ; greasy ; average price of previous Ditto. clips in London, Is. sd. to 2s. 6Jd.