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COAL. Beown Coal — Specimen from Kaitangata, Otago. Collingwood Oompany— Rarely shows vegetable structure. Fracture irregular; Block of Bituminous Coal, Collmgwood Mine, Nelson; a conc hoidal, with incipient laminations; colour dark ft a T fvT a° gaS °° Cretaceous a S°- 6 seams ' brown ; lustre feeble ; cracks readily on exposure to the 1 to 4 It. thick. atmosphere, losing 5 to 10 per cent, of water, which is J. Oakden— not reabsorbed ; burns slowly ; contains resin in large Anthracite Glance Coal, from Acheron River, Canterbury. masses. Occurs generally throughout the Islands; Altered Brown Coal; Eocene age. 4 ft. seam. evaporative power 42 to 56 lbs. Saddle Hill, Otago; M. B. Haet, Christchurch — evaporative power 5 lbs. Glance Coal (laminated), from Malvern Hills, Canterbury (4 specimens). Altered Brown Coal; Eocene age. 6 _^ ft. seam. Beefton Committee, Ajax Company, Nelson- GOLD, MINERALS, AND ORES. Specimen of Coal. Cretaceous age. 10 it. seam. ' ' Ngakawau Company, Mount Rochfort, Nelson — Bituminous Coal (caking) (2 specimens). Cretaceous age. ALLUVIAL GOLD FROM THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO. 16 ft. seam. PROVINCIAL GoVEENMENT, Nelson- l- SKIPPEB'S, QUEENSTOWNBituminous Coal, from Brunner Mine, Nelson. Cretaceous FrT Plf S, <£?*1 S^ otOTe f r E!Tef,nfl. about 1,400 ieet above sea level, llie creek empties ltsell age. ±» a. seam. into the Wakati Basin p roduce o f sluicing c i a ; m . J. C. Rowley— . Pitch Coal, from Shag Point, Otago. Eocene age. 8 ft. *■ Aeeowtown— am ' fa > & 6 From Arrow River, about 1,200 feet above sea level. The .., ' _ ~ , river empties into the Wakatipu Basin. Produeo of Waikato Coal Mining- Company, Auckland — sluicing claim Pitch Coal. ISft.seain. . 3. Queenstown- ' Feom Colonial Museum— From gullie3 adjoining and emptying into "Wakatipu Lake, Type specimens illustrating the classification of New which is 1000 feet above Bea level _ p roauce o f sluicing Zealand Coals. claim. Bituminous Coal (caking)— 4 ]>j ASBBT (Mount Ida)— Specimen from Brunner Mine, Nelson. Produce of sluicing claim at foot of Mount Ida, on Much jointed, homogeneous, tender and friable, lustre northern side of Maniototo Plains, about 1,400 feet above pitch like, glistening, often iridescent; colour black, sea j eTe i with a purple hue ; powder brownish, cakes strongly ; p the best varieties forming a vitreous coke with brilliant _'". . . . . . „, „,. ««'...««»«. metallic lustre; average evaporative power of several Produce of sluicing claim in Shag Valley, 50 to 100 feet samples, 7\ lbs. of boiling water converted into steam for aboTe me eea ieveh each pound of coal. Occurs with grits and conglomerates 6. Netis — of upper Mesozoic age. Buller, Grey, and Collingwood Produce of sluicing claim about 1,400 feet above sea level. Coal Fields on the West Coast of Nelson, in seams from 7. Teviot — 2 to 20 feet in thickness. • Obtained by dredging the River Molyneux, about 350 feet Semi-bituminous Coal above sea level. Coarser gold is also got at different Specimen from Pakawau, Nelson. parts of the river. Compact, with, laminse of bright and dull coal 8. Blue Spub, Laweenoe — alternately; fracture irregular; lustre moderate; From Bluicing claim. The hill or spur is about 150 feet cakes moderately, or is non-caking. Occurs in thin high, and is an outlier of the Pliocene gravels. irregular seams in sandstone of upper Mesozoic age. g Manuheeikia Kawa Kawa and Wangarei, Auckland ; Pakawau, Nel- ' Slicing claim, about 500 feet above sea level, son; Mount Hamilton and Waikava, Otago; rarely _ cakes strongly ; evaporative power commonly 6i lbs. 1 eviot r, Near the sP ot where these two nuggets were got, another Glance Coal — weighing 18 oz. was lately obtained. Produce of sluicing Specimen from Hill s Drive, Selwyn, Canterbury. claim at an eleTatioil o f 600 to 700 feet above sea. Glance coal is non-caking, massive, compact or friable, ~„. „-„, „ „ ,- . » ..» ,j fracturecuboidal, splintery; lustre glisteningormetallic; 1L °f Blue SPur Cement impregnated with gold. structure obviously laminated; colour black ; does not form a caking coke, but slightly adheres. A variety of brown coal altered by faults or igneous rocks, and ALLUVIAL GOLD FROM THE PROVINCE OF NELSON presenting every intermediate stage from brown coal to AND COUNTY OF WESTLAND. an anthracite. Preservation Inlet and Malvern Hills. x . Alluvial gold from Moonlight Creek, Nelson, procured by Pitch Coal— washing the beds of creeks. Specimen from Upper Buller, Nelson. 2. Alluvial gold from Waimea, Westland, obtained by washing Structure compact; fracture, smooth; conchoidal, beds of creeks. Samples taken from district through jointed in large angular pieces ; colour brown or black ; which the proposed Great Waimea Water Race would lustre waxy; does not desiccate much on exposure, nor run. is it absorbent of water ; burns freely, and contains resin 3. Fine sea drift, Okarito, Westland, obtained by washing and disseminated throughout its mass. Waikato and Wanga- sluicing the sea beaches. roa, Auckland; West Wanganui, Nelson ; Shag Point, 4. Alluvial from Ross, Westland, obtained by deep-sinking, Otago ; Morley Creek, Southland. Evaporative power where the use of steam machinery is found to be necea- - 4-2 lbs. sary. I—H. 5.