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Enclosure 3 in No. 13. The Agent-Geneeal to Professor Yon llochstetter. 7, "Westminster Chambers, Sic,— Victoria Street, S.W., 27th November, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 19th instant, and at the same time to thank you for your promise of cordial co-operation with me in securing an adequate representation of the Colony at the forthcoming Vienna Exhibition. It will interest me to learn that Hector and Dr. Haast are preparing a large number of exhibits in the Colony, and that the Government is doing its utmost to secure a proper representation of the industries of the country. These exhibits may be expected to arrive in Europe about April next. Before that date, however, I hope to be in Vienna myself, and shall then do myself tho pleasure of calling on you, and consulting you further on this subject. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, Professor Yon Hochstetter, &c, &c, Agent-General for New Zealand. Polytechnic Institute, Vienna.

No. 14. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic, — "Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, 12th April, 1873. With reference to your letter of 15th January (No. 177), in which you suggest the advisability of my enlisting the good offices of Professor Yon Hochstetter in favour of the New Zealand exhibits at the forthcoming Universal Exhibition at Vienna, you will very shortly after the date of that despatch, have received my letters informing you that I had anticipated your wishes, and had received a very prompt assurance from the Professor of his cordial co-operation. I beg now to forward copies of other letters which I have recently addressed to Professor Hochstetter on subjects connected with the Exhibition. I have, <fee, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, "Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 15. The Agent-Genebal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic, — 7, "Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, 17th April, 1873. In reply to your letter of the 15th January last (No. 177), I have the honor to report that, in accordance with your instructions, the cases containing Moa skeletons and bird skins for the Vienna Exhibition, were forwarded without loss of time to Professor Yon llochstetter. I feel assured that the Professor will most willingly undertake the task allotted to him of articulating the skeletons, and superintending the mounting of the birds, more especially as no one will be able more fully than himself to appreciate the desire and exertion of his friends and coadjutors in science, Dr. Hector and Dr. Haast, to render the New Zealand Court useful and attractive in a scientific point of view. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, "Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 16. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet to the Agent- Geneeal. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, "Wellington, 17th January, 1873. I have the honor to forward herewith a detailed packing list of the articles which were forwarded for the Vienna Exhibition, per " Alhainbra," to Melbourne, on the 16th instant, in thirtyfour cases, consigned to Messrs. McMeckan, Blackwood and Co., for transmission to your address, per Suez mail, and referred to in my letter (No. 177) of the lGth instant. I also beg to forward a printed copy of a first draft of a catalogue of the articles which have already been despatched, for the purpose of assisting in the unpacking and arrangement of the specimens. You will observe that to this catalogue are still to be added the articles for exhibition which have been sent direct from Auckland, and which you are to be advised by Mr. Thomas Kirk of that place, and that these have a separate serial number, though all are marked " Auckland." The complete catalogue will be forwarded, if possible, by the next San Francisco mail. Certain maps and plans which have been mentioned in previous memoranda, will not, I regret, be ready for transmission until the March San Francisco mail. Attached to the catalogue is a marked copy of the printed catalogue of the preliminary exhibition, recently held at Christchurch, and in which reference is made to the numbers and packing cases. For the information of the judges in the department of wool, copies of the statements sent with exhibits in this class are also attached. "With reference to the grain exhibits, should any discrepancy appear between the catalogue and the tickets in the cases, and the packing list, you are requested to adhere to the information on the tickets.