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I muri mai o te whakahoutanga o nga pukapuka reti katahi ka tuhia he pukapuka hoko, ka tuhi hoki nga tangata i tuhia ra o ratou ingoa c Te Kouti Whenua Maori ki roto i te Karauna Karaati i o ratou ingoa ki roto i te pukapuka hoko. 1. Ta maua whakaaro mo tenei c tika ana te ki a nga Kaitono whakawa kaore a Kopuaroa i tukua kite reti, kite mokete kite hoko engari na te Kairuri i whakakotahi he ingoa c tuhia kite Mapi ko Omarunui anake he ingoa no nga piihi o rua. 2. Na te Kaiwhakamaori tenei he. Kaore i marama tona whakaatu i nga rohe i tuhia ki roto ito pukapuka hoko itewa i korerotia ai taua pukapuka ki nga tangata maori; ara kaore i korerotia nga rohc i runga i nga ingoa maori. Engari he mea ki eia ko Omarunui te ingoa o te whenua a ko nga roho he mea panui i runga i nga rama, i nga tiini, i nga ringiki i tuhia ki roto i te Karauna Karaati. 3. Ko te take i tuhi ai aua tangata maori i o ratou ingoa kite pukapuka hoko, he whakaao i Omarunui kia riro i te pakeha, engari kaore ratou i mohio kei roto katoa i taua pukapuka a Kopuaroa. 4. Ko te piihi c riro kite Pakeha i runga i te tikanga hoko ko Omarunui, ko te whenua i tukua kite reti i mua atu ote tukunga o taua whenua kia whakawakia eTe Kouti Whenua Maori. Ko te whenua i apitiriamai kite piihi i tukua mo te Eeti i te wa i ruritia ai c Te Kairuri, kia pai ai te tuku ki Te Kouti Whenua Maori me whakahoki ki nga tangata maori. Wibemu Hikaieo, Komihana. Wihemu Te Wheoeo, Komihana.

REPORT on CASE No. XVIII. Oeangitibohia. This is a block of land for which a Crown grant has been issued to ten persons. It has been sold to a European named Dr. Ormond, who is Besident Magistrate at Te Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Ahipene Tamaitimate lodged a complaint about this land against Dr. Ormond. He appeared before the Commissioners and stated that that land had been sold to Dr. Ormond, but at the time of thesale it was agreed that five acres of the land should be excepted for his [Ahipene's] wife Taraipine and her children. That woman was one of the grantees. The complainant said that Dr. Ormond acquiesced in that arrangement. A good while after that, a report got about that Dr. Ormond said that the arrangement was that Taraipine and her children were only to have five acres during their lifetime, and that when they all died the land would revert to him. The complainant said that that was new to him, and that the proviso had not been explained to them by George Worgan, interpreter, when the grantees executed the deed of conveyance. Dr. Ormond did not appear before the Commission to give evidence on his own behalf, and ho gave no reason for not appearing. Mr. Turton, Trust Commissioner, said that the statement of the complainant, that it was new to him that the laud was for his wife and children during their lifetime only, was untrue. The witness further stated that he heard those words when the people signed the conveyance. On looking into the evidence, we think that it is perhaps true that those words were not clearly explained to the Maoris at the time of the sale. Wieemu Hikaieo, Commissioner. Wibemit Te Wheoeo, Commissioner.

No. XVlll. —Oeangititiohia. He whenua tenei kua whakaputaina ho Karaati ki nga tangata kotalii tekau, kua hokona hoki ki tetalii Pakeha ko Bate Omana (Dr. Ormond) te ingoa ; ko taua Fakeha, ko ia te Kaiwhakawa tuturu 0 te Wairoa, Nepia. I tukua mai c Ahipenc Tamaitimate lie tono mo tenei whenua he whakahe nana ki a Eata Omana. I tae mai ano hoki ia kite whakaatu korero kite Kouti i mea ko taua whenua kua hokona ki a Eata Omana otiia i te wa i hokona i whakariteai reira c rima nga eka o taua whenua c kape ki waho o taua hokonga, mo tona wahine mo Taraipine ratou ko ana tamariki. Ko taua wahine hoki tetahi i tuhia ki taua Karaati. Xi ta te Kaitono ki i whakaae tonu a Eata Omana ki taua whakariteritenga. No muri rawa iho ka tahi ki rangona tetahi korero c ki ana a Eata Omana heoi ano to kiianga no Taraipine ratou ko ana tamariki aua elia c rima i te wa c ora ana ratou kite mate katoa, ka riro ano aua eka ki a ia. Xi te ki ate Kaitono he Kupu hou era ki aia kihai ana kupu i whakamaramatia ki a ratou c Teoti Wakana Kaiwhakamaori i te wa i tuhi ai nga ingoa o nga tangata o te Karaati kite pukapuka hoko. Kihai a Eata Omana i tae mai kite Kouti kite whakaatu korero mo tona taha kaore ano hoki 1 whakaatu mai i te take i kore ai ia c tae mai. I tv a Tatana Komihana titiro hokonga whenua i mea ho hori te ki a te Kaitono ho kupu hou era ki a ia mo te wa anakc c ora ai tona wahine me ana tamariki ki ta to kaikorero i rangona ano aua kupu i te wa i tuhi ai nga tangata i o ratou ingoa kite pukapuka o to hoko. No runga i ana korero i whakaaro ai maua he pono pea kihai aua kupu i ata whakarnaramatia ki nga Maori i te wa o te hokonga. WiEEirr Hikaieo, Komihana. Wibesiu Te Wheoko, Komihana.