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iIst o: 'omplaints — continue) No. of Case. No. of Complaint. {fame of Block. Complainant. Against whom Complaint made. Nature of Complaint. IV. 90 Wharanngi (Native reserve) Paora Kaiwhata... Grantees ... 91 Wharerangi (Native reserve) Tunanui ... Paora Kaiwhata... A. Alexander The reserve was made for all the Maoris at time of salo of Ahuriri Block ; has since been granted to four persons by Native Lands Court; begs to know reasons why original agreement was not carried out, and that land be not returned to all the owners as intended at time of sale of adjoining land. Complains Mr. Alexander's house stands on his land, and not on Government land ; begs his land be returned. The price agreed on was £4,000 ; on applying for £1,000, only £300 was offered ; when we went to get the £500, we could not get it, we only got grog ; beg land be returned. Begs Mr. Newton be made to remove his "fence to boundary of Government land. XX. 92 Paora Ivaiwhata... Purchaser XVII. XXI. XIII. 93 94 95 96 97 98 Whorerangi (Native reserve) Kopuaroa (part of Omaranui No. 2) Waipiropii-o Ileretaunga Tunanui ... PeUiie Paora Kaiwhata... Paora Kaiwhata,.. Tamihana Manaena Tinikirunga ... Te Muera llamahona Taingaeho ... T. K. Newton Mortgagees R. D. Maney Purchasers R. D. Maney B. D. Maney Begs the forty acres reserved for all, and included in Paora Torotoro Te Awapuni, Hare, and Waka's mortgage, be returned. Complains signed name to deed, believing it to be a lease ; afterwards was told it was a sale of the land. Complains never received payment for his share ; other grantees kept the money. Mortgaged without his knowledge ; begs laud be returned to himself and Benata. Complains £400 still due; begs rents be divided in future in £100 for purchasers, and £100 for those grantees who havo not yet sold their shares. Complains land taken without payment. Mortgage, liegs transaction to be looked into. Sale. Begs transaction be looked into. Mortgage. Begs transaction to be looked into. Land sold without consulting them. XI. III. XIV. XI. 99 100 101 102 103 Paliou Mangateretore ... Ohihakarcwa Petane Petana Reihana Kahui... Mila Ngapu Reihana Kaluu ... Mita Ngapu Hirini, Henare Pae,Weraliiko, and others Pititi Watene Toromata and four others Hanita Te Macro Wata Taraaahi and four others Erueti Ngamu ... Krueti Ngamu ... llami Te Kuru ... Heretnia Te Popo and Tiopira Tapahi Tangata Ware and Horiana Mita Karaka and Karewa Taniwha Karena Te Kuataniwha... Whanako and Pineaha ... Manea Whauako and Ruiha Renata Pewa and four others Miriiima Te Rangi and others B. D. Maney K. D. Maney B. D. Maney B. D. Mauey Grantees ... 104 103 Tuhirangi Tutu o te Iiaka (Wairoa) Grantee ... Grantees ... Consider he should have been in grant. Complain great trouble reference to relative claims. 106 107 Tahoraiti... Kuta Lessee Mortgagees Complains has not received his share of rent for four years. Complain land mortgaged by those to whom it does not belong. 108 109 110 111 Rangaika (Native reserve) Awanga (Native reserve) Tutaekun (Wairoa) Hnramua No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 (Wairoa) Ngatarawa Karauria... Karauria... Grantees ... J. Carroll Complains land intended for public reserve sold without consent of others. Complains land intended for public reserve sold without consent of others. Grantees do not divide money with those not in Crown grant. Mortgages were paid in flour,sugar, grog, goods, and money; beg Wairoa questions be tried at Wairoa. XXIV. 112 Grantees... Desire to share in grant. 113 Hangahaka Grantees ... Desire to sharo in grant. XXXIII. 114 115 116 Matapiro... TeRanga... Ngatarawa and other blocks Raukawa... Grantees ... Sellers ... Grantees... Desires to share in grant. Land sold without their consent. Desire to share in grant with Renata Kawepo. 117 Grantees... Desire to sharo in grant. 118 Ahuaturanga Grantees... Sale. Complain did not receive fair share of payment; names not in Crown grant.