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Enclosure in No 5. MEMORANDUM of Mail Days from San Francisco, of Delays, and Explanations of Causes thereof.

Remarks. December 6, January 3 and 31.—During all this time the winter was unusually severe throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The English mails were overdue two aud three days on arrival at New York. The railroads across the Continent ran regularly, except on one section of the Union Pacific. There the snow blockaded the mails. Consulting the supposed interests of the New Zealand people, the steamers were detained six days (instead of forty-eight hours), sadly to our loss, and much consequent confusion and undeserved censure. February 28.—Mail late one day arriving at New York. Detained by a land-slide in Pennsylvania two days, but the United States Postmaster-General aud Presidents of the railroads took a warm interest, and, by special orders and by special trains, the New Zealand mails had preference over all other business/ The "Montana" was under steam and ready with her passengers twenty-four hours, and started after midnight, as soon as (he last bag was on board. April 24. —English steamer two days late at New York. S.S. "California" was chartered, coaled, aud ready for sea when the '"Nebraska" came in on evening of 24th instant. Discharged the " Nebraska," transferred mails, coaled, and sailed in sixty hours after arrival. The mails were only detained here one day. The chartering, coaling, and other expenses of the "California" were very heavy. May 24. —"Nevada" detained three days in Auckland by Post Office Department, resulting in two days' delay in San Francisco. June 19. —Loss of one day, because no suitable berth could be found for a side-wheel steamer for twenty-four hours after arrival, wharves being full. August 19. —''Idaho" detained at Honolulu, waiting for "Nevada," which, being ordered to carry only 12'lbs. steam, made slow passage. Here, hourly expecting arrival of the " Idaho " until mail day, I was compelled to charter and fit out " Olympia," which required some days, in order to forward the mails.

No. G. The Hon. J. Voget, to Messrs. W. 11. Webb and Ben Holladay. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, 23rd November, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of September 10th, in which you urge various reasons for the purpose of explaining the delays and irregularities in the Mail Service, upon which I dwelt in my letter of July Gth. j;_ j^ 0 I cannot admit the validity of those reasons. You must allow me to remind you that the Govern- No. 37. ment of New Zealand have never agreed to waive or to modify the terms of the contract entered into by you on the 7th of March, 1871; and that, in my letter of the GLh of July, I pointed out that you had ignored the provisions of that contract. Tour statements respecting the " Mohonga," and your explanations generally, really bear out what I wrote—that you seem to consider that you have a right, apart from the contract, to continue to make connections at Honolulu, instead of making each voyage from San Francisco to New Zealand, and from New Zealand to San Francisco, with the fame boat, that boat being one of those provided for in the contract.

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Jontract date No. of _ of f Departure. ,daf Departure. L Late. Remarks. 1871. Lpril 8... Jay 6... "une 21... uly 19... Lug. 16... iept. 13... )ct. 11... Iot. 8.. )ee. 6... 1871. April 8... May G... .Tune 21... July 20... Aug. 16... Sept. 13... Oct. 11... Nov. 9... Dec. 12... i Detained by order of Postmaster-General of New Zealand. 6 1 1 2 English steamer one day late at New York. 1S72. an. 3... an. 31... ?eb. 28... <f arch 27... 1872. Jan. 9... Feb. 6... Feb. 29... Mar. 29... April 6... April 27... May 24... June 20... July 17... Aug. 19... Atlantic steamer detained, and overland route blockaded by snow. kpril 24... -lay 22... une 19... uly 17... Lug. 14... 3 2 1 English steamer one day late at New York. Mails detained on Atlantic two days. " Moliongo " returned for repairs, and sailed this day. English steamer two days overdue ; transferred mails to " Nebraska." " Nevada " detained three days in Auckland. "Wharves crowded, and no berth for steamer. 5 "Idaho" detained at Honolulu, waiting "Nevada," which was only allowed to carry 12 lbs. steam. " Olympia " was then chartered.